Difference Between No Follow and No Referrer





Instructs search engines not to follow the link for crawling purposes.

Prevents the browser from sending the HTTP referer header to the linked page.

SEO Impact

Directly influences search engine optimization by not passing link equity.

No direct SEO impact, but can affect analytics and traffic source tracking.

Referrer Information

Allows the referrer information to be passed to the linked page.

Strips away referrer information, enhancing privacy.

Use Cases

Often used to link to untrusted content or to avoid endorsement of the link.

Used for privacy reasons and to prevent the linked site from tracking visits.


Widely supported and recognized by search engines.

Supported by modern browsers to control referrer information.

Impact on Analytics

Has no impact on analytics from the standpoint of referrer data.

Can affect analytics by not letting the target site know where the traffic came from.

These attributes can be used independently or together in the rel attribute of a link tag, depending on the desired situation.

Must Read

Difference between no follow and no referrer in SEO

No follow and No referrer are the two html attribute which is often used with anchor tag. It is an important attribute in SEO which is used with Links for various purposes. Developers and SEO enthusiasts are often git confused about the difference between these two attributes. They are not clear about where to use no follow and where to use no referrer. Both has it’s own significance in search engine optimization.

Below is the difference between No Follow and No Referrer.

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Difference Between No Follow and No Referrer

Feature rel=”nofollow” rel=”noreferrer” Purpose Instructs search engines not to follow the link for crawling purposes. Prevents the browser from sending the HTTP referer header to the linked page. SEO Impact Directly influences search engine optimization by not passing link equity. No direct SEO impact, but can affect analytics and traffic source tracking. Referrer Information Allows the referrer information to be passed to the linked page. Strips away referrer information, enhancing privacy. Use Cases Often used to link to untrusted content or to avoid endorsement of the link. Used for privacy reasons and to prevent the linked site from tracking visits. Compatibility Widely supported and recognized by search engines. Supported by modern browsers to control referrer information. Impact on Analytics Has no impact on analytics from the standpoint of referrer data. Can affect analytics by not letting the target site know where the traffic came from....

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