Difference between Prejudice and Discrimination





Prejudice is an unfair and unfounded attitude against a person simply because of his membership in a social group.

Discrimination is the unfair or unfavorable treatment of a person or group by others because he or she belongs to a specific class, group, or category.


Holding unfavorable or positive judgments on individuals or groups without appropriate knowledge or proof.

This involves treating individuals or groups unequally or denying them chances, rights, or benefits based on their perceived traits.

Based on

Can be based on criteria including race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other social identities.

Can be based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, handicap, or other protected characteristics.

What is it

Misapprehension that exists solely in the mind

The expression of bias and prejudice.

Expressed Through

Can be stated as ideas, beliefs, feelings, or views that impact an individual’s perspective or judgment of others.

Can be exhibited through acts, attitudes, or decisions that result in exclusion, marginalization, or disadvantage of individuals or groups.

Rooted By

Can be founded in ignorance, fear, prejudices, or biases that perpetuate unfavorable views against certain persons or groups.

Discrimination, stereotypes, or institutional practices can promote uneven treatment or create impediments for specific persons or groups.



Conscious and Non-conscious

Caused By

Prejudice is caused by stereotyping.

Discrimination is caused by Prejudice.


Involves a negative attitude towards a person or group.

Involves an unfair treatment of an individual or group.


Cognitive and effective.


Legal Implication

A lawsuit be taken against it.

A law suit may be done against it.

Difference between Prejudice and Discrimination

Prejudice and Discrimination are closely related concepts, yet they differ in their impact. Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes towards a person or group, often based on stereotypes or generalizations. Discrimination, on the other hand, involves actions or behaviors that result in unfair treatment or disadvantage towards individuals or groups based on their perceived differences.

Table of Content

  • What is Prejudice?
  • What is Discrimination?
  • Difference between Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Conclusion
  • Difference between Prejudice and Discrimination- FAQs

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Difference between Prejudice and Discrimination

Basis Prejudice Discrimination Meaning Prejudice is an unfair and unfounded attitude against a person simply because of his membership in a social group. Discrimination is the unfair or unfavorable treatment of a person or group by others because he or she belongs to a specific class, group, or category. Subject Holding unfavorable or positive judgments on individuals or groups without appropriate knowledge or proof. This involves treating individuals or groups unequally or denying them chances, rights, or benefits based on their perceived traits. Based on Can be based on criteria including race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other social identities. Can be based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, handicap, or other protected characteristics. What is it Misapprehension that exists solely in the mind The expression of bias and prejudice. Expressed Through Can be stated as ideas, beliefs, feelings, or views that impact an individual’s perspective or judgment of others. Can be exhibited through acts, attitudes, or decisions that result in exclusion, marginalization, or disadvantage of individuals or groups. Rooted By Can be founded in ignorance, fear, prejudices, or biases that perpetuate unfavorable views against certain persons or groups. Discrimination, stereotypes, or institutional practices can promote uneven treatment or create impediments for specific persons or groups. Nature Non-conscious. Conscious and Non-conscious Caused By Prejudice is caused by stereotyping. Discrimination is caused by Prejudice. Involves Involves a negative attitude towards a person or group. Involves an unfair treatment of an individual or group. Component Cognitive and effective. Behavioral. Legal Implication A lawsuit be taken against it. A law suit may be done against it....


In a word, prejudice is having an opinion on someone or something without understanding the facts or proof. Inner thoughts and feelings may not necessarily lead to action. Unlike discrimination, which implies treating individuals unequally or differently based on their feelings and desires, which is quite obvious. These are anti-social behaviors that occur in practically every country and can produce stress and conflict among diverse groups, as well as harm to the group to whom they are intended....

Prejudice and Discrimination- FAQs

Why does discrimination exist?...