Difference between Push Marketing and Pull Marketing


Push Marketing

Pull Marketing


It’s all about selling products directly to customers and focusing on immediate sales.

Here the goal is to create interest in the brand or product, encouraging customers to seek it out themselves.

Flow of Communication

It involves direct communication like advertising and personal selling.

It uses indirect methods such as SEO and social media to attract customers.

Audience Targeted

It often targets customers at the point of purchase or through direct channels, focusing on a broad audience quickly.

It targets customers who are already interested in the product category or actively searching for information.

Tactics Used

It uses tactics such as trade shows, direct selling, point-of-sale displays, and retailer incentives to push the product towards customers.

It relies on tactics like content marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), influencer marketing, and social media engagement to pull customers towards the brand.


Companies have more control over when and where they promote the product.

Companies have less control, as it depends on creating content that naturally attracts consumers.


It is effective for short-term goals like launching a new product.

It is more effective for long-term brand building and customer loyalty.


Email blasts, in-store promotions, and direct mail.

Blogging, SEO strategies, and engaging on social media.

Difference between Push Marketing and Pull Marketing

Push Marketing and Pull Marketing are the two approaches of marketing used by organisations to promote their goods and services. Push marketing is an approach, including pushing a product or service onto the customers, even though they do not seek out the same. However, pull marketing is an approach where companies aim to get customers interested in their products so that the customers seek out the products themselves.

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Difference between Push Marketing and Pull Marketing


Difference between Push Marketing and Pull Marketing – FAQs

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