Difference Between Stack-Allocated and Heap-Allocated Arrays

The following table illustrates the key differences between stack-allocated and heap-allocated arrays.

ParameterStack Allocated Arrays Heap Allocated Arrays
BasicMemory is allocated in a contiguous block.Memory is allocated in any random order.
Allocation and De-allocationAutomatic by compiler instructions.Manually by the programmer.
ImplementationStraightforward and managed by the compiler.Explicit managed by the programmer
Access timeFasterSlower
Main IssueShortage of memoryMemory fragmentation
Locality of referenceExcellentAdequate
SafetyThread safe, data stored can only be accessed by the owner.Not Thread safe, data stored visible to all threads.
FlexibilityFixed-size.Resizing is possible.
Data type structureLinearHierarchical
PreferredStatic memory allocation is preferred in an array.Heap memory allocation is preferred in the linked list.
SizeSmall than heap memory.Larger than stack memory.

Difference Between Stack-Allocated and Heap-Allocated Arrays

In C/C++, arrays can be allocated in two areas of memory: the stack and the heap. Each has its own characteristics and use cases. In this article, we will see the key differences between stack-allocated and heap-allocated arrays.

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