Differences Between Minerals and Vitamins

The differences between Minerals and Vitamins are discussed below:

Features Minerals Vitamins
Source Derived from soil, rocks, and water. Obtained from plants and animals
Structure Inorganic substances Organic compounds
Requirement Needed in larger amounts (macrominerals) Needed in smaller amounts (micronutrients)
Absorption Absorbed through the digestive system Absorbed through the bloodstream
Stability Generally stable under heat and light Sensitive to heat, light, and air
Functions Structural components, enzyme activity Coenzymes, regulators of metabolism
Deficiency Can cause various health issues This can lead to specific deficiency diseases
Toxicity Can be harmful in excessive amounts Generally not toxic in excessive amounts
Examples Calcium, iron, magnesium Vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B12
Recommended Intake Measured in milligrams or grams Measured in micrograms or milligrams.

Difference Between Minerals and Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are needed for the maintenance of a healthy human body. The vitamins and minerals that are needed for the human body are considered to be the same by many people. However, they are different in various aspects. The similarity between these two is they are needed for maintaining a healthy body. They are responsible for various roles in the human body. These were not produced by the human body in heavy amounts so they can be taken from various food.

Difference between Vitamin and Minerals

Table of Content

  • What are Minerals?
  • What are Vitamins?
  • Differences Between Minerals and Vitamins
  • Similarities Between Minerals and Vitamins
  • Conclusion: Difference Between Minerals and Vitamins
  • FAQs on Difference Between Minerals and Vitamins

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Conclusion: Difference Between Minerals and Vitamins

In summary, Vitamins and minerals are needed for the maintenance of a healthy human body. The vitamins and minerals which are needed for the human body are considered to be the same by many people. However, they are different in various aspects. The similarity between these two is they are needed for maintaining a healthy body. They are responsible for various roles in the human body. These were not produced by the human body in heavy amounts so they can be taken from various food....

FAQs on Difference Between Minerals and Vitamins

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