Disadvantages of Spring MVC Framework

  • It has high complexity to develop the applications using this pattern.
  • It is not suitable for small applications which affect the application’s performance and design.

Spring – MVC Framework

Spring MVC Framework follows the Model-View-Controller architectural design pattern which works around the Front Controller i.e. the Dispatcher Servlet. The Dispatcher Servlet handles and dispatches all the incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate controller. It uses @Controller and @RequestMapping as default request handlers. The @Controller annotation defines that a particular class is a controller. @RequestMapping annotation maps web requests to Spring Controller methods. The terms model, view, and controller are as follows:

  • Model: The Model encapsulates the application data.
  • View: View renders the model data and generates HTML output that the client’s browser can interpret.
  • Controller: The Controller processes the user requests and passes them to the view for rendering.

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Advantages of Spring MVC Framework

The container is used for the development and deployment of applications and uses a lightweight servlet. It enables rapid and parallel development. Development of the application becomes fast. Easy for multiple developers to work together. Easier to Update the application. It is Easier to Debug because we have multiple levels in the application....

Disadvantages of Spring MVC Framework

It has high complexity to develop the applications using this pattern. It is not suitable for small applications which affect the application’s performance and design....

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