Document Object

The document object represents a web page that is loaded in the browser. By accessing the document object, we can access the element in the HTML page. With the help of document objects, we can add dynamic content to our web page. The document object can be accessed with a window.document or just document.



The properties of document objects that are commonly used are listed in the below table:

Properties of document:

  • activeElement: It returns the currently active elements in the document.
  • body: It returns the contents of the body element.
  • anchors: It returns all <a> elements that have a name attribute.
  • baseURI: It returns a string value that represents the base URI of the document.
  • cookie: It returns the cookie of the current document.
  • charSet: It returns a string, representing the document’s character encoding.
  • defaultView: It returns the current Window Object.
  • designMode: It is used to set documents as editable or read-only.
  • domain: It returns the domain name of the document server.
  • doctype: It returns the document’s doctype.
  • embeds: It returns the collection of all embedded elements.
  • URL: It returns the complete URL of the document.
  • forms: It returns all the elements of the form.
  • fullScreenElement: It returns the element that is currently present in full-screen mode.
  • title: It returns the title element of the document.
  • head: It returns the head element of the document.
  • links: It returns all <area> and <a> elements that have a href attribute.
  • lastModified: It returns the date and time of the current document that was last modified.
  • images: It returns the collection of <img> elements in the document.
  • implementation: It returns the DOMImplementation object associated with the current document.
  • readyState: It returns the loading status of the current document.
  • referrer: It returns the URI of the page that is linked to the current page.
  • scripts: It returns all script elements present in the document.
  • strictErrorChecking: It sets or returns whether strict error checking can be enforced on a document or not.

Differences between Document and Window Objects

In this article, we will see the Document object & Window object, their various properties & methods, along with knowing their implementation & the differences between them.

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Document Object:

The document object represents a web page that is loaded in the browser. By accessing the document object, we can access the element in the HTML page. With the help of document objects, we can add dynamic content to our web page. The document object can be accessed with a window.document or just document....

Methods of Document


Window Object
