Methods of Document



The lists of most commonly used methods are listed below:

  • addEventListener(): It is used to attach an event handler to the specified element.
  • adoptNode(): It is used to adopt a node from another document and it returns a node object, representing the adopted node.
  • close(): It is used to close the output stream.
  • createAttribute(): It is used to create an attribute node with the specified name and returns the attribute object.
  • createComment(): It is used to create a comment node with some text.
  • createDocumentFragment(): It is used to create the document fragment to change the content of the document.
  • createElement(): It is used to create HTML element .
  • createEvent(): It is used to create a new events object.
  • createTextNode(): It is used to create a textnode.
  • execCommand(): It is used to execute a command specified by the user on the editable selected section. It returns a Boolean value.
  • fullscreenEnabled(): It is used to check whether the document can be viewed in fullscreen mode or not. It returns a boolean value.
  • getElementById(): It returns the object of the given ID. If no object with that id exists then it returns null.
  • getElementsByClassName(): It returns an object containing all the elements with the specified class names in the document as objects.
  • getElementsByName(): It returns an object containing all the elements with the specified name in the document as objects.
  • getElementsByTagName(): It returns an object containing all the elements with the specified tag names in the document as objects.
  • hasFocus(): It returns a boolean value that indicates whether the document or element has focus or not.
  • importNode(): It imports the copy of a node from another document in the current document.
  • normalize(): It flushes out the empty nodes and merges the adjacent text nodes with the first text node and
  • normalizeDocument(): It is used to normalize an HTML document by removing any empty text nodes and joining the adjacent text nodes.
  • open(): It is used to open the output stream to collect the output.
  • querySelector(): It returns the first element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) in the document.
  • querySelectorAll(): It returns a collection of an element’s child elements that matches a specified CSS selector(s) in the document
  • removeEventListener(): It removes the event handler from an element that has an attached event.
  • renameNode(): It is used to rename the node.
  • write(): It is used to write some content or javascript code in the document.
  • writeln(): It is used to write a document with a newline character after each statement.

Example: This example describes the implementation of the document.object.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>document's Properties</title>
        h1 {
            color: green;
    <h1> w3wiki</h1>
    <button onclick="myFunction()">CLICK ME</button>
    <p id="demo"></p>
        function myFunction() {
            let title = document.title;
            let domain = document.domain;
            let body = document.body;
            document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
                "the title of the document is : "
                + title
                + "<br>"
                + "domain : "
                + domain
                + "<br>"
                + "body : "
                + body;


Differences between Document and Window Objects

In this article, we will see the Document object & Window object, their various properties & methods, along with knowing their implementation & the differences between them.

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