Effect of Triple Dip La Nina on The Indian Subcontinent

  • Triple dip La Nina continues for a period that extends up to three consecutive winters. Such an extension would result in more variation in the temperatures in the world and an increase in the frequency of rain, floods, and droughts in different parts of the world. The triple dip La Nina causes extended southwest monsoon season in South Asia, including India, which means excessive rainfall and subsequent floods. 
  • In 2021, the triple dip La Nina was one of the factors that caused extraordinary rainfall during the post-monsoon season in the southern part of India. In 2022 also, an active monsoon season caused floods in many Indian states, such as northeastern states and eastern states in India. 
  • It is predicted that the monsoon season will be extended in the Indian subcontinent, especially in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Orissa, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh, due to the effect of the triple dip La Nina. The warming of sea surfaces leads to the continuous formation of low-pressure areas and depressions, causing more rainfall and fresh floods in the coming months against an active triple dip La Nina.

Triple Dip La Nina

La Nina (‘Little Girl‘ in Spanish) is a natural and periodic weather pattern that occurs due to fluctuating ocean temperatures in one particular part of the world, namely the east-central equatorial Pacific Ocean. It is the cyclic process of cooling sea surface temperature in the central and eastern Pacific Oceans situated in the equatorial region. This cooling effect results in unique patterns of tropical wind circulation, atmospheric pressure, and rainfall, causing significant changes in weather and climate. The unusual cooling of seawater causes less water evaporation so the air above becomes dryer, cooler, and denser.

This dense air doesn’t develop into storms and causes less rainfall in certain parts of the world and more rainfall in other parts. This natural event typically occurs in a cycle of five to seven years and lasts for about three years. That is why it is called triple-dip La Nina. La Nina gives rise to stronger ocean winds that intensify during July and August, affecting temperature and rainfall patterns. This leads to storms, drought, and flood-like situations.

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Important data on Triple Dip La Nina:

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