Environmental Movements: One or Many?

What is the first Environmental Movement?

The first seed of an environmental movement in India was the foundation in 1964 of Dasholi Gram Swarajya Sangh, a labour cooperative started by Chandi Prasad Bhatt. It was inaugurated by Sucheta Kriplani and founded on land donated by Shyma Devi.

Who is known as the father of the environmental movement in India?

Historian Ramachandra Guha calls Kumarappa, “The Green Gandhian,” portraying him as the founder of modern environmentalism in India. We also have Verrier Elwin who has written extensively on the significance of the forest in tribal life.

Who started the Chipko Movement?

The Chipko Movement started under Sunderlal Bahuguna, an eco activist, who spent his life persuading and educating the villagers to protest against the destruction of the forests and Himalayan mountains.

Who is Amrita Devi?

Amrita Devi Bishnoi first sacrificed her life by hugging a Khejri tree and preventing it from being cut down by the king’s men. Following her, 363 other villagers also sacrificed their lives to protect the Khejri trees. The Chipko movement initiated in 1973 was an inspiration by the story of Amrita Devi Bishnoi.

Who was the leaders of Narmada Bachao Andolan?

Medha Patkar with rural villagers. Narmada Bachao Andolan was initiated by Medha Patkar along with other colleagues. Medha Patkar is a graduate in social work, who moved to live among the tribals of the Narmada Valley in the mid-1980s and alerted them to the fate that awaited them with the dams.

Environmental Movements: One or Many?| Class 12 Polity Notes

Environmental Movement is a type of social movement that involves individuals or groups of people who have a common interest in protecting the environment and they take actions to bring changes in environmental policies and practices to save the environment from pollution, deforestation, global warming, and climate change.

Environmental and Ecological movements are examples of actions taken by several social pro-environmentalist groups all around the world.

In this article, You will get the Notes of Class 12 Political Science, Chapter 6 – Environmental Movements.

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