Major Environmental Movements in India

Many environmental movements have emerged in India, especially after the 1970s. These movements have grown out of a series of independent responses to local issues in different places at different times. 

Some of the best-known environmental movements in India have been briefly described below:

The Silent Valley Movement

  • The Silent Valley is located in the Palghat district of Kerala.
  • It is surrounded by different hills of the State. 
  • The idea of a dam on the river Kunthipuzha in this hill system was conceived by the British in 1929. 
  • The technical feasibility survey was carried out in 1958 and the project was sanctioned by the Planning Commission of the Government of India in 1973. 
  • In 1978, the movement against the project from all corners was raised from all sections of the population. 
  • The movement was first initiated by the local people and was subsequently taken over by the Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP). 
  • Many environmental groups like the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) and Silent Valley Action Forum participated in the campaign. 

Some Key facts about the Silent Valley Movement are as follows :

Movement Name

Silent Valley Movement

Year of Movement





Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP) and local people

Reason for the movement

To save the Silent Valley and its rich biodiversity from the hydroelectric dam project that had been proposed. 

The Chipko Movement

  • Chipko Movement started on April 24, 1973, at Mandal of Chamoli district of Gharwal division of Uttarakhand. 
  • The Chipko is one of the world-known environmental movements in India. 
  • The movement was raised out of ecological destabilisation in the hills. 
  • The fall in the productivity of the forest produced forced the hill dwellers to depend on the market, which became a central concern for the inhabitants. 
  • Forest resource exploitation was considered the reason behind natural calamities like floods, and landslides. 
  • On March 27 the decision was taken to ‘Chipko” that is ‘to hug’ the trees that were threatened by the axe and thus the Chipko Andolan (movement) was born.
  • This form of protest was instrumental in driving away the private companies from felling the ash trees. 

Some Key facts about the Chipko Movement are as follows :

Movement Name

Chipko Movement






Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Sunderlal Bhauguna and others


To protect the Himalayan forests from destruction

Bishnoi Movements

  • The Bishnoi Movement in India is a famous example of an early environmental movement known for its dramatic act of tree-hugging.
  • This movement was led by Amrita Devi, in which around 363 people sacrificed their lives for the protection of their forests. 
  • This movement was the first of its kind to have developed the strategy of hugging or embracing the trees for their protection spontaneously. 

Some Key facts about the Bishnoi Movement are as follows :

Movement Name

Bishnoi Movement






Amrita Devi Bishnoi


To stop the destruction of the village’s sacred trees to build a new palace for the king

Appiko Movements

  • It is a movement inspired by the Chipko movement by the villagers of Western Ghats.
  • In the Uttar Kannada region of Karnataka, the villagers of Western Ghats started the Appiko Chalewali movement during September – November 1983. 
  • Here, the destruction of forests was caused by the commercial felling of trees for timber extraction.
  • Natural forests of the region were felled by the contractors, which resulted in soil erosion and drying up of perennial water resources.
  • In the Saklani village in Sirsi, the forest dwellers were prevented from collecting usufructs like twigs and dried branches and non-timber forest products for fuelwood, fodder, honey etc. They were denied their customary rights to these products.
  • In September 1983, women and youth of the region decided to launch a movement similar to Chipko, in South India. 
  • The agitation continued for 38 days, and this forced the state government to finally concede to their demands and withdraw the order for the felling of trees. 

Some Key facts about the Appiko Movement are as follows :

Movement Name

Appiko Movement






Panduranga Hegde, Villagers of Western Ghats; Women and youth from Saklani and surrounding villages


To stop cutting trees by the fellers and the contractors of the forest department.  The people demanded a ban on the felling of green trees.

Narmada Bachao Andolan

  • The Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) which is “Save the Narmada Movement” is a significant social movement in India.
  • The goal was to oppose the construction of large dams across the Narmada River.
  •  A collective effort by Adivasis (indigenous tribes), farmers, environmentalists, and human rights activists.
  • The movement focuses on the Narmada River flowing through Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
  • Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat is a central point of contention.
  • Reasons for Opposition were Displacement of people due to submergence of land by dam reservoirs, Concerns about inadequate rehabilitation and resettlement plans for displaced communities and Environmental impact on the Narmada River valley ecosystem.

Some Key facts about the Narmada Bachao Andolan are as follows :

Movement Name

Narmada Bachao Andolan




Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra


Medha Patkar and other activists


To question the developmental projects and stop the relocation especially dam construction across the river.

Jungle Bachao Andolan

  • Jungle Bachao Andolan began in the 1980s in the Singhbhum district of Bihar (presently in Jharkhand). 
  • It was a movement against the government’s decision to grow commercial teak by replacing the natural Sal forests. 
  • The tribal community is the most affected by this decision as it disturbs the rights and livelihood of the Adivasis of that region. 
  • This movement was widely spread in states like Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha in various other forms. 

Some Key facts about the Jungle Bachao Andolan are as follows :

Movement Name

Jungle Bachao Andolan




Singhbhum district of Bihar (now Jharkhand)


Tribals of Singhbhum 


To oppose the government’s decision to replace natural Sal forest with commercial teak plantations.

Also Read:

Environmental Movements: One or Many?| Class 12 Polity Notes

Environmental Movement is a type of social movement that involves individuals or groups of people who have a common interest in protecting the environment and they take actions to bring changes in environmental policies and practices to save the environment from pollution, deforestation, global warming, and climate change.

Environmental and Ecological movements are examples of actions taken by several social pro-environmentalist groups all around the world.

In this article, You will get the Notes of Class 12 Political Science, Chapter 6 – Environmental Movements.

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