Examples of Sample Answers

To understand more precisely, here are some sample answers taking various situations and job roles as examples –

Example – 1

I would say my greatest strength is my adaptive nature in any kind of circumstance. In my previous company, there was a time when I have to work on a project in a different city as a part of an onsite service. The deadline was only two months. I managed to adapt to the environment and started to work with my new colleagues. I assisted my team in every possible way to give the best outcome to our clients. In the end, our project became successful and our clients were satisfied with the results. As the job role requires frequent shifting of the workplace, I can assure you that I can align with the job requirements and give the best results possible.

Example – 2

I would say my greatest strength is my ability to solve problems. People feel comfortable coming to me for help or ideas relating to problems they are dealing with. In my previous company, there was a conference with our Regional Manager. We became understaffed as two of our colleagues couldn’t attend. I suggested dividing the work into smaller tasks and assigning them to the remaining members. Also, I suggested making time for interaction with office members to improve the meeting. In the end, the session was productive and our manager was happy with the way we deal with the situation.

Example – 3 

My greatest strengths are prioritizing work and time management. I always believe it is important to take quick decisions and sort the work to improve productivity. As a graduate, I was part of our college technical fest organization. During this time, I was scheduled to have an examination to complete my course in ABC technology. I made efforts to manage my time so that I can allocate it for both the technical fest and my course exam. In the end, I was able to score a good grade on the exam and received appreciation from our Dean regarding the fest management.

Example – 4 

I am good at communicating both as a person and a professional. I believe maintaining good communication among colleagues and with customers can improve productivity. During my initial days in my previous company, I was offered to present the product to our clients. With my effective communication skills, I was able to give a piece of complete knowledge about the product. As a result, our company got an outstanding contract which in turn improved the overall income of the company.

Example – 5

My greatest strength is to maintain a good tempo during hectic circumstances and lead the team toward a winning path. When I was working as a Team Lead at XYZ company, there came a situation where one of my team members wrote the wrong code. This made the entire product fail at the final moment. When I was told about it, I quickly talked to my Manager about the situation and asked him to give me some extra time. Meanwhile, I divided various tasks among my team and motivated them to work as a team to tackle the situation. We were able to rectify the problem within 48 hours. Clients were happy with the final product. Our Manager appreciated our work and gave a bonus to each member.

How to Answer “ What is Your Greatest Strength ?” in Interview?

Interview questions are imposed to analyze the personality. “What is your Greatest Strength?” is an effective question to learn about your personality. The real question arrives when dealing answer. You may have quite a lot of strengths, but answering about “your best strength” really needs a lot of care and concern. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail How to Answer “ What is Your Greatest Strength?” with sample answers. A few useful tips are given at the end of the article which will help in facing this question.

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