Reasons to Face the Question “What is Your Greatest Strength?”

Interviews are held to determine the alignment between the candidate and the company. An expert or group of experts sitting on another side of the table analyzes your every move while you are answering the questions. Apart from technical questions, here are some reasons to answer such questions :

1. To Show Communication Skills 

Communication skills became a necessity in recent times. There is no wonder when we say that few recruiters are hiring only based on communication. A confident answer with good clean and crisp language can place you in your dream job. 

2. Regular Question

The probability of such questions in interviews is very high. It seems to be a simple question, but when answered incorrectly can create a lot of negative impacts. Hence, It is important to prepare for such simple yet tricky questions. 

3. Speak about Yourself

Questions like these in interviews can help you give a detailed description of your skills and make the interviewer understand that you are suitable for the role.

How to Answer “ What is Your Greatest Strength ?” in Interview?

Interview questions are imposed to analyze the personality. “What is your Greatest Strength?” is an effective question to learn about your personality. The real question arrives when dealing answer. You may have quite a lot of strengths, but answering about “your best strength” really needs a lot of care and concern. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail How to Answer “ What is Your Greatest Strength?” with sample answers. A few useful tips are given at the end of the article which will help in facing this question.

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Q1. What is ‘Strength’ in an interview?...