Examples of Soft skills


  • Oral and written communication: Effectively conveying your thoughts and ideas, both verbally and in writing.
  • Active listening: Genuinely listening to others and understanding their perspectives.
  • Public-speaking: Efficiently presenting ideas and insights to a group of people.
  • Adaptive: Ability to adapt communication style to different audiences


  • Teamwork: Collaborating effectively with others to achieve shared goals.
  • Leadership: Inspiring, motivating, and guiding others towards a common vision.
  • Conflict resolution: Addressing disagreements constructively and finding solutions.
  • Negotiation: Finding mutually beneficial solutions through discussion and compromise.


  • Critical thinking: Analysing information objectively and making sound judgments.
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box and generating new ideas.
  • Problem-solving: Identifying and creatively solving problems individually and collaboratively.
  • Decision-making: Making well-informed choices under pressure.


  • People management: Ability to hire, lead, and develop team members with ease.
  • Time management: Effectively organizing and prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines.
  • Stress management: Coping with pressure and challenging situations in a healthy way.
  • Risk management: Identifying, evaluating, and controlling financial, legal, strategic, and security risks to an organization’s capital.

Personal Qualities

  • Self-motivation: Taking initiative and driving yourself to achieve goals.
  • Work ethic: Demonstrating dedication, understanding different perspectives, commitment, and a strong work ethic.
  • Positive attitude: Maintaining a positive outlook even in challenging situations.
  • Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks and challenges.

Remember, soft skills are just as important as hard skills for career success, and by developing your soft skills, you can become a more well-rounded professional, build stronger relationships, and thrive in any work environment.

List of Skills to put on a Resume

Your resume acts as your first impression, which is a gateway to securing your dream career. But what truly sets your resume apart from the rest? The answer lies in the skills you mention in your resume or CV. From technical expertise to interpersonal qualities, the skills you showcase on your resume tell a compelling story of your capabilities and potential. Let’s explore how mastering the art of showcasing your skills can unlock exciting opportunities and propel you towards professional success.

Table of Content

  • Why should you add skills to your resume?
  • Hard skills vs Soft skills-what is the difference?
  • Examples of Hard skills
  • Examples of Soft skills
  • How to List Skills on a Resume? Step-by-Step Guide

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