Applications of Modern Periodic Table

How are elements arranged in the modern periodic table?

Elements are classified in the periodic table by their atomic numbers which are equal to the amount of protons in the nuclei. Elements are placed in a column according to their similar chemical behaviors, these columns are called groups or families.

Why are some elements radioactive?

Radioactive activity is caused by the instability of atomic nuclei that spontaneously and randomly decay to emit particles or energy. Atoms with atomic numbers greater than 83 (bismuth) become radioactive whereas the heavier isotopes tend to be much more unstable.

How do elements combine to form compounds?

Elements, through a process of chemical reactions, combine to produce chemical compounds in which atoms of different elements bond together by sharing, gaining, or losing electrons to form stable configurations, mainly following the octet rule.

Why are the noble gases non-reactive?

Noble gases have a complete outer electron shell which results in chemical stability and non-reactivity under normal conditions. This stability is due to how their electron configuration works, reducing the likelihood of accepting, donating, or sharing electrons.

Uses of Modern Periodic Table

Periodic Table resembles an atlas, representing all elements by their atomic numbers and chemical properties. It is a fundamental tool we use in chemistry to know elements with similar properties and how they react. The Modern Day Periodic Table classifies elements according to their atomic number and organizes them by similar properties. We will examine its important role in different fields, such as medicine and industry and see how it impacts us.

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Conclusion on Uses of Modern Periodic Table

We observed that the various elements used in a particular applications have similar properties and are placed nearby in the modern periodic table. Thus the classification of elements based on their common properties helps in selecting various elements for a particular application. This gives us a choice along with the unique properties of that particular element which can be proved to be more effective....

FAQs on Applications of Modern Periodic Table

How are elements arranged in the modern periodic table?...