What are Applications of the Modern Periodic Table

Modern Periodic Table classifies the elements based on their increasing number in groups and periods. This helps in classifying elements with similar properties. For example, all the metals are on the left side, and all the non-metals are on the right side. This arrangement helps in choosing various elements for their numerous applications. The detailed applications of the modern periodic table in real life are given below:

Medical Science

The periodic table will be a reference guide in the drug discovery and development adventure. The knowledge about the properties of elements and their reactions facilitates the production of drugs with particular functions and minimal side effects for chemists. More specifically, platinum-based pills such as cisplatin, used in the treatment of cancer, benefit from its reactivity with DNA, which results in the disruption of cell division in cancerous cells.

Elements with magnetic properties such as Co, Iron, Nickel and rare earth material such as gadolinium etc. are used in medical imaging such as MRI, CT Scan. These all elements belong to transition metal group in the periodic Table.

Material Science

Scientists combine elements in unique ways to create compounds with specific properties for many applications. Such as the formation of superalloys for aircraft engine tires, which are made using nickel, cobalt, and chromium elements as they are high-temperature stable and mechanically strong. Here nickel, cobalt and chromium are placed in the same period in the transition metal category.

Besides that, semiconductors like silicon and germanium also have similar characteristics, which helps them become an integral part of electronics. Here silicon and germanium having same properties are present in the same group.

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental scientists employ certain elements along with their compounds as indicators of pollution and ecological well-being. Examples are heavy metals lead, mercury, and arsenic, which are monitored as they are harmful to the ecosystem and human health. Through the use of periodic tables, scientists can identify these elements and see how prevalent they are in the environment.


Catalysts are accelerating the course of chemical reactions and industrial processes. Many catalysts are the product of these transition metals taken from the middle part of the periodic table. E.g., the Haber process utilizes an iron catalyst for reacting nitrogen and hydrogens to produce ammonia for fertilizers.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear power generation uses nuclear fuel, such as uranium and plutonium, that are converted during nuclear fission to energy. The behavior of these radioactive elements and their decay processes, as well as products, is of prime importance for the safe and precise operation of nuclear power plants. All the radioactive elements which are capable of producing nuclear energy are present in the bottom of the periodic table.

Battery Technology

The battery technology is mainly based on Lithium element which is an alkali metal. Other elements which are used in battery technology are nickel and cobalt for the purpose of cathode. All these elements are present on the left side of the periodic table as all of them are metals.


Firecrackers are known for their sound and the colors that they produce when they are ignited. Colors such as red is due to strontium, green is due to barium, blue is due to copper. All these elements are capable of producing colorful flame as they share some common properties. These elements are called transition metals and are placed nearby in the modern periodic table.

Semiconductor Industry

Semiconductors industry used elements whose conductivity is more that insulators and less than conductors. Examples of such elements are silicon, germanium, Tellurium, Indium etc. If we clearly observe the position of these elements we find that these elements are placed nearby in between metals and non-metals. These elements are used in various applications in semiconductor industry for example silicon is widely used in making photovoltaic cell and other electronic components.

Uses of Modern Periodic Table

Periodic Table resembles an atlas, representing all elements by their atomic numbers and chemical properties. It is a fundamental tool we use in chemistry to know elements with similar properties and how they react. The Modern Day Periodic Table classifies elements according to their atomic number and organizes them by similar properties. We will examine its important role in different fields, such as medicine and industry and see how it impacts us.

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What are Applications of the Modern Periodic Table

Modern Periodic Table classifies the elements based on their increasing number in groups and periods. This helps in classifying elements with similar properties. For example, all the metals are on the left side, and all the non-metals are on the right side. This arrangement helps in choosing various elements for their numerous applications. The detailed applications of the modern periodic table in real life are given below:...

Conclusion on Uses of Modern Periodic Table

We observed that the various elements used in a particular applications have similar properties and are placed nearby in the modern periodic table. Thus the classification of elements based on their common properties helps in selecting various elements for a particular application. This gives us a choice along with the unique properties of that particular element which can be proved to be more effective....

FAQs on Applications of Modern Periodic Table

How are elements arranged in the modern periodic table?...