Complex Number Power Formula

What are Complex Numbers?

Complex Numbers are numbers that consist of a real and an imaginary part and are represented in the form of x+iy where x and y are real numbers and i is the imaginary part whose value is √-1.

What are the Conjugates of a Complex Number?

The conjugate of a Complex Number is a Complex Number with the same terms but an opposite sign of the imaginary part. For Example, a+ib and a-ib are conjugates of each other.

What is the Absolute Value of a Complex Number?

The absolute value of a given complex number a+ib is given by √a2+b2

What is the value of i?

The value of i is √-1.

Complex Number Power Formula

Complex Numbers are numbers that can be written as a + ib, where a and b are real numbers and i (iota) is the imaginary component and its value is √(-1), and are often represented in rectangle or standard form. 10 + 5i, for example, is a complex number in which 10 represents the real component and 5i represents the imaginary part. Depending on the values of a and b, they might be wholly real or purely fictitious. When a = 0 in a + ib, ib is a totally imaginary number, and when b = 0, we get a, which is a strictly real number.

In this article, we will learn about, complex number power formulas, their examples, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • Complex Number Definition
  • Complex Number Power Formula
  • Complex Number Power Formula Derivation
  • Solved Example on Complex Number Power Formula
  • FAQs

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