How do Organisms Reproduce

1. How do Organisms Reproduce?

Organisms reproduce through asexual and sexual process. In asexual reproduction only one parent is involved whereas in sexual production two parents are involved in the reproduction process.

2. What are Exact Copies of Organisms called?

The exact copies of organisms is called clone. These clones are the organisms which consist of exact genetic copies and also their DNA are identical.

3. Why do Organisms Create Exact Copies ?

In some of the organisms the DNA replicate after the mother cell is divided into two halves. These two halves are the exact copies of the mother cell.

4. What is creating an Exact Copy of Organisms called?

Cloning is the process of creation in which an exact genetic copy of another organism is formed. Therefore two individual can share exactly same DNA.

5. How do Cells Create exact copies of Themselves?

Cells create an exact copies of themselves from the process of mitosis in which a cell duplicates and divides to form two identical daughter cells.

Do Organisms Create Exact Copies of Themselves? – Class 10 Notes

Organism consists of similar body structure. The DNA molecules that are found in the chromosome in the nucleus of the cell are responsible for the transfer of characters from the parents to the offspring. During the process the sexual reproduction these cells produce two copies of DNA which further separate into two cells. These two DNA copies will not be identical to each other but they consist of some similarities. Therefore these two organisms will have some variation from their parents.

Table of Content

  • How can Organisms Reproduce?
  • Do Organisms Create Exact Copies Of Themselves?
  • Importance of Variation

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