How to Calculate a Percentage of a Number in Excel

Q1: What is Excel Formula to calculate Percentages?


The easiest percentage formula is “(part/total)*100. This formula is used without the (*100). This is because when the percentage format is selected, the resulting number automatically changed to percent.

Q2: What is the Excel Formula for Percentage Change?


Below is the Formula for calculating the Percentage change :

(New value -original value)/original value” This formula calculates the percentage change(increase or decrease) . A positive percentage indicates an increase and a negative percentage indicates decrease.

Q3: How can we remove Percentage Errors?


The percentage Errors can be removed with the help of the IFERROR function.

Q4: What is the Formula for calculating the percentage of the total?


The formula for calculating the percentage of the total is” (part/total)”.

How to Calculate Percentage in Excel

Excel is a tool for storing and managing a large volume of data. It uses rows and columns to store the data. This tool is used for the analysis of data to get insights from it. Generally, this is used by financial professionals for accounting purposes, but it can be used by anyone. Data analysis can be performed in many ways like visual analysis using graphs, mathematical or trend analysis using formulas, etc. Let’s learn how can we calculate a percentage of numbers in Excel. 

In this tutorial, we’ll look at a few methods for quickly and accurately calculating percentages in Excel, as well as some fundamental percentage formulas that will eliminate any guessing from your numbers.

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