Missense and Nonsense Mutation

1. What is the Difference between Nonsense and Missense mutations?

The difference between nonsense mutation and missense mutation is missense mutation is a type of mutation where substitution of different amino acid takes place into the amino acid sequence that results into nucleotide change whereas nonsense mutation is a type of mutation where a premature stop codon is introduced into mRNA sequence that results into a nucleotide change.

2. What is the Difference between Nonsense and Missense Mutations and Issues that can arise from both?

The difference between issues that arises from nonsense and missense mutations is nonsense mutation introduces a stop codon that prevents proteins from being made completely and missense mutation changes the amino acids that are incorporated into the proteins.

3. What is an Example of a Nonsense Mutation?

Beta thalassemia is a example of nonsense mutation. Beta thalassemia is caused in beta-globin chain of hemoglobin protein. In RBCs hemoglobin is considered as the main oxygen-carrying protein. The patients who suffers from beta thalassemia do not have proper oxygen levels for reaching their vitals.

4. Why is it called a Nonsense Mutation?

Stop codons do not code for amino acids rather they signal the end of protein synthesis. Therefore it is known as nonsense mutation.

5. What is the most Common Cause of Nonsense Mutation?

The most common causes of nonsense mutation are substitution of a single base pair in a triplet codon that leads to one of the three stop codons namely UAA, UGA and UAG.

Difference Between Missense and Nonsense Mutation

Missense and Nonsense mutations are the two different types of point mutations also known as single nucleotide substitutions that introduce changes in the ultimate protein product. DNA in the body changes because of various internal and environmental factors. Due to this two types of changes that occur in DNA are DNA damage and DNA mutations. The below article covers the two such mutations that occur in DNA.

Table of Content

  • Difference between Missense and Nonsense Mutation
  • What is meant by missense mutation?
  • What is meant by nonsense mutation?
  • FAQs on Missense and Nonsense Mutation

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