Scientific Name of Tea

1. What is the Scientific Name of Tea in India?


The scentific name of the tea species found in India is C. Sinensis assamica.

2. Which Family does the Tea plant belong to?


The Tea plant belongs to the family Theaceae, which consists of plants which are shrubs and small trees. They have evergreen leaves.

3. What are the Different kinds of Tea found across the World?


There are several varieties of tea found all over the world which include Green tea, Oolong tea, Yellow tea, Black tea, Matcha Green tea, Herbal tea, etc.

4. What does the scientific name Camellia sinensis Indicate about the Classification of Tea plant?


The word Camellia indicates the Genus of the Tea plant and sinensis indicates the species of the tea plant.

5. Which study, requires the Scientific name of Tea, or any other Organism to be Created?


Taxonomy is the study which is responsible for the naming and classification of organisms. It helps grouping the organisms with simmilar traits together.

Scientific Name of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)

The Scientific name of Tea is Camellia sinensis. The scientific name helps in defining the genus and species of an organism for taxonomical purposes. Tea is made by boiling fresh water, adding leaf buds and young leaves, and then steeping it. It is possible for the leaves to be fermented or unfermented.

Table of Content

  • What is the Scientific Name of Tea?
  • History of Tea Plant
  • Tea Plant Taxonomy
  • Characteristics of Tea plant
  • FAQs on Scientific Name of Tea

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