Scientific Name of Vitamins and Their Sources

1. What is the Function of Vitamins.


The functions of vitamins are;

  1. Helps to maintain the immune system and metabolism.
  2. Regulation of normal blood flow.
  3. Helps to maintain neurons and other nerve cells.
  4. Maintain skin tissues.
  5. Maintain bone and teeth strength.

2. Why there is are Irregularities in the Common name of Vitamins?


The reason behind the irregularities in the vitamin naming is due to the fact that over time researchers have either reclassified or renamed the vitamins or discarded them as false leads for example Vitamin J was renamed as Vitamin B2, vitamin B4 was found to be a component of DNA i.e. adenine, etc.

3. Which Vitamins are Naturally Synthesized by the Human Body?


If not received in average quantities through food the human body can synthesize vitamins B3, D, and K on its own.

4. What is the Term used for Overconsumption of Vitamins?


As vitamins are micronutrients and are required in very trace amounts consumption of vitamins is termed as hypervitaminosis which leads to vitamin poisoning.

5. Which Vitamins are Most Important for Normal Brain Development and Functioning?


The vitamins B6, B9, and B12 are essential for brain development and normal functioning.

Scientific Name of Vitamins and Their Sources

Scientific Name of Vitamins and Their Sources: Scientific names are given to vitamins similar to what is given to plants and animals. These names were given based on the chemical properties, physical proteins, and biochemical nature of the vitamins. The term “vitamine” was given in 1912 by Dr. Casimir Funk and was changed to “vitamin” by Jack Cecil Drummond in the year 1920.

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FAQs on Scientific Name of Vitamins and Their Sources

1. What is the Function of Vitamins....