Features of QOwnNotes

  • On your desktop computer, all notes are saved as plain files.
  • You can link all notes to your server or computer using the Nextcloud Connect client (desktop & mobile).
  • The software can be launched via programmable shortcut keys.
  • Support for scripting is provided, and there is an online repository where scripts can be installed for use with the application.
  • Older notes can be recovered from your cloud.
  • It supports dark mode themes. 

How to install QOwnNotes on Ubuntu

For Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows, QOwnNotes is a free, open-source text editor for notepads that supports markdowns and functions as a to-do list manager. Additionally, it integrates with the notes feature of ownCloud or Nextcloud. Before learning how to install QOwnNotes on Ubuntu, let’s take a quick glance at its features.

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Features of QOwnNotes:

On your desktop computer, all notes are saved as plain files. You can link all notes to your server or computer using the Nextcloud Connect client (desktop & mobile). The software can be launched via programmable shortcut keys. Support for scripting is provided, and there is an online repository where scripts can be installed for use with the application. Older notes can be recovered from your cloud. It supports dark mode themes....

Installation of QOwnNotes  on Ubuntu

Follow the below steps for successful installation of the QOwnNotes application on the Ubuntu system....