Fifth Largest Rubber Producing Country in the World – China

China uses a lot of rubber, but it doesn’t make much of it itself. Only about 5% of all the rubber in the world is produced in China, which is not a lot compared to how much it uses. But now, China is trying to make more rubber within its own borders instead of buying it from other countries. This way, it won’t have to rely so much on imports.

  • China’s Hainan Island is known as “China’s Rubber Capital,” producing over 90% of the country’s natural rubber.
  • China makes the most natural rubber in the world, almost 30%! It beat Thailand in 2015 to become number one.
  • China also makes a lot of artificial rubber. Actually, more than half of all the artificial rubber in the world comes from China.
  • China uses a ton of rubber too. More than 40% of all the rubber used in the world is used right there in China! They use a lot of rubber for making cars and building things like roads and buildings.

List of Top 10 Largest Rubber Producing Countries in the World

Top 10 Largest Rubber Producing Countries in the World: The top 10 largest rubber producing countries in the world are Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Ivory Coast, Philippines, and Cameroon.

Rubber is a crucial commodity that plays a significant role in our daily lives. From the tires of our vehicles to the soles of our shoes, rubber is an essential material that we use every day. With the increasing demand for rubber globally, it comes as no surprise that there are countries that specialize in its production.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the top 10 largest rubber producing countries in the world along with their production, and explore their contribution to the global rubber market.

Largest Rubber Producing Countries in the World

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FAQs on Top 10 Largest Rubber Producing Countries in the World

Which country is the largest producer of rubber?...