File System API Functions


  • Purpose: Read data from a file.
  • Usage: Access file content for processing or serving.
  • Example Use Case: Read a configuration file to load application settings.


  • Purpose: Write data to a file.
  • Usage: Create or modify files with data.
  • Example Use Case: Save user-generated content to a file.


  • Purpose: Remove files from the file system.
  • Usage: Delete temporary files, logs, etc.
  • Example Use Case: Clean up old log files to free up disk space.


  • Purpose: Monitor files for changes.
  • Usage: Track modifications to files for live updates.
  • Example Use Case: A live-reload development server detects changes in source files and reloads the application.

Types of API functions in Node.js

Node.js, known for its asynchronous and event-driven architecture, is a popular choice for building scalable server-side applications. One of its primary uses is to create and manage APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). APIs allow different software systems to communicate and share data with each other. In Node.js, API functions can be categorized based on their nature, usage, and the type of data they handle. This article explores various types of API functions in Node.js, providing insights into their functionalities and use cases.

Table of Content

  • HTTP API Functions
  • WebSocket API Functions
  • File System API Functions
  • Database API Functions
  • Stream API Functions
  • Error Handling API Functions
  • Types of API functions in NodeJS

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