Friends of the Earth Movement 1969

Friends of the Earth is a grassroots environmental campaigning community today that works to protect the natural world. They are the outspoken leader in the environmental and progressive communities. They use policy analysis and set campaigns to change the perception of the public, media, and policymakers. FOE is part of the growing movement led by peasant, family, indigenous, and artisanal food producers and workers.


Friends of the Earth

Year Founded



United Kingdom


David Brower, Donald Aitken, Robert Orville Anderson, Irving Stowe


To ensure the environmental protection and sustainability through grassroots activism, advocacy, and campaigns

Focus Areas

Conservation, climate change, energy, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, and environmental justice.


Played key roles in the policy making such as the ban on ozone-depleting substances, promoting renewable energy, and protecting endangered species and habitats.

Top 10 Environmental Movements in the World

Environmental Movements in the World: The environmental movements are the social and political movements that demand the conservation of our environment to improve the whole environment of the country. These types of movements are also known as the “green movement” or “conservation movement” that favours and demands the sustainable management of natural resources by changing existing public policies.

In this article, we are going to learn about the Top 10 Environmental Movements in the World, along with their impacts.

Table of Content

  • Top 10 Environmental Movements in the World
  • Earth Day 1970
  • Chipko Movement 1973
  • Greenpeace Movement 1971
  • Extinction Rebellion 2018
  • Sierra Club Movement 1892
  • Movement 2008
  • Friends of the Earth Movement 1969
  • Fridays For Future Movement 2018
  • Indigenous Environmental Network Movement 1990
  • The Climate Reality Project 2006
  • Other Environmental Movements in World
  • Major Environmental Movements in India

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Top 10 Environmental Movements in the World

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Earth Day 1970

The Earth Day movement is an annual celebration that aims to aware people of environmental issues and promote conservation efforts. It is celebrated on April 22nd in the United States or the day of the spring equinox. The first Earth Day was held on April 22nd, 1970 in the United States of America. 20 million Americans started to protest against environmental ignorance and demanded a change. The day is credited to the modern environmental movements because it was the first movement by humans only for the environment....

Chipko Movement 1973

The Chipko movement is an Indian forest conservation movement that began in the Garhwal Himalayas region in the 1970s. The movement’s name comes from the Hindi word chipko. It means “to hug”. In this movement, the protesters hugged the trees to stop them from being cut. The people opposed to commercial logging and the government’s policies on deforestation at that time. The movement is considered the first and initial ecofeminist environmental movement in India. The movement used the Gandhian method of non-violent resistance....

Greenpeace Movement 1971

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Sierra Club Movement 1892

The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 in California to support wilderness trips in the Pacific Coast’s mountain areas. The club’s initial goals were to explore, enjoy, and make the mountain regions accessible to humans in a sustainable way. So many women joined in the movement from the beginning. The club became involved in different political actions for nature conservation. They helped to establish a series of new National Parks and a National Wilderness Preservation System in the USA. The Sierra Club fought to save the Grand Canyon from dams in 1960 which led to a public advertising campaign. Internal Revenue Service helped them to protect the Grand Canyon.... Movement 2008 is an international environmental organization that works on the climate crisis. Its stated with a goal to limit the use of fossil fuels and promote renewable energy by building a global and grassroots movement. The Fossil Free campaign of this organization, inspired by successful past movements, started in 2012 and has garnered support from over 1,500 institutions globally, managing a significant amount of assets, to divest from fossil fuels by October 2021....

Friends of the Earth Movement 1969

Friends of the Earth is a grassroots environmental campaigning community today that works to protect the natural world. They are the outspoken leader in the environmental and progressive communities. They use policy analysis and set campaigns to change the perception of the public, media, and policymakers. FOE is part of the growing movement led by peasant, family, indigenous, and artisanal food producers and workers....

Fridays For Future Movement 2018

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Indigenous Environmental Network Movement 1990

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The Climate Reality Project 2006

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Major Environmental Movements in India

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FAQs on Top 10 Environmental Movements in World

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