GeeksforGeeks Online Courses

Interview Preparation Courses (DSA) –

When you are at home it’s difficult to get a mentor who can teach you online all the concepts from basic to advanced level. w3wiki paid online courses are designed specially keeping this thing in mind. These courses develop your skills and help in interview preparations for product-based companies. The courses will have premium video lectures recorded by industry experts. You will also get the Course Completion Certificate after completing the course along with the internship opportunities. DSA Self Paced and DSA Self Paced With Doubt Assistance courses are designed to learn and practice DSA coding questions for placement in top big product-based companies. You will find the premium lecture videos by Mr. Sandeep Jain (CEO & Founder, w3wiki). You will learn algorithmic techniques for solving DSA problems from basic to advanced level and you will implement more than 200 algorithmic coding problems.

Programming Language Courses –
For a beginner, sometimes it becomes very difficult to find out the programming language concepts sequentially and arranged on a single platform. But w3wiki is the one-stop solution for this. You will not only find the programming language concepts sequentially but also the topic-wise contests for better practice. w3wiki is also providing a leaderboard and a discussion forum where you can see your growth among other geeks and can ask your doubts.

These all are the limited resources we have mentioned above. There are plenty of other online courses available for the interview preparation and to build your skillset in different computer science areas. All these courses will keep you busy until the end of your days. Visit on the link w3wiki Courses to check all the online paid and free courses available on the portal.

For more coding stuff you can

  • Subscribe to the Youtube Channel: w3wiki Youtube Channel
  • Download the Mobile Application in Your Phone: w3wiki Mobile App
  • Visit on the Portal to Read Enormous Content: w3wiki

w3wiki Team is wishing you and your family safe passage through this difficult time. We hope that the world will win the battle against coronavirus very soon. Meanwhile, don’t let this disease become a barrier to your learning. Utilize your time and develop your skills as much as possible to put yourself in a position to do the maximum amount of good for your community in the future.


Bring Out The Geek In You During COVID-19 Outbreak

The world is facing one of the worst epidemics, the outbreak of COVID-19, you all are aware of that and this is not the first time when we are fighting against some pandemic. We hope that you all are taking the proper precautions mentioned by the health organizations to stay safe and to protect yourself from this serious infectious disease. Most of the people are staying at home during this time and avoiding going outside.

Schools and colleges are also closed. A lot of people are unable to continue their studies and learning because they can’t go outside, they can’t attend the classroom programs, they can’t interact with friends or mentors to get the help and they can’t attend any meetups or events as well. So you might be thinking to spend this free time doing some below stuff…

  • Watching a new TV series on Netflix or Amazon Prime
  • Searching for a new game and get really into it.
  • Spending your whole day roaming in your house, sleeping, eating, scrolling social media, listening music and staring out the window at the empty streets around you.

Before you think to do any of the things mentioned above remember that a wise person always remains calm in these kinds of situations and will try to consume enough of the knowledge so that he/she can become a valuable asset later. If you feel that you are stuck at home and you can’t continue your studies without attending your college and interacting with your mentor and friends then here is a quick motivation and an interesting fact for you…

When the Great Plague of London was going around in 1665, Cambridge University shut down and Isaac Newton was forced to stay home. During this time, he invented calculus, parts of optic theory and allegedly, while sitting in his garden, he saw an apple fall from a tree that inspired his understanding of gravity and laws of motion.

So, if you think you are can’t achieve anything while staying at home then you are wrong. You are not powerless and your brain is not different than Newton or Einstein or any other legend. Technology can save someone’s life, you can utilize this time wisely, you can develop your technical skills and you can build some applications to help others. You can also utilize this time to develop your coding skills and secure a job in the future for yourself. Now the question is how, if you can’t go outside…??

To build an application and to secure a job, a lot of people (including self-taught) teach programming to themselves using the free online resources and this is something you can do at this time…

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GeeksforGeeks Online Courses

Interview Preparation Courses (DSA) –...