Practice the Coding Problems and Uplift Your Skills

Data structure and Algorithms is the most important skill to become a good programmer or to crack the interview of any top tech product-based companies. Today, in the era of the internet you can learn this valuable skill-set easily using the online coding portal. In the past 12 Years, w3wiki has helped a lot of students and professionals to build this valuable skill and other technical skills to secure a job in some big top tech companies including Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Adobe.

You have more time than ever because of this outbreak. If you haven’t started learning DSA or you haven’t touched it from a very long then start your preparation from today, plan your schedule and don’t leave any blank spots on your calendar after the coronavirus blows over. You just need to have a computer with internet access – and a warm place to sit – you’re set. This time make this outbreak an excuse to pay your attention to these coding challenges. Get your hands dirty in these coding questions and start solving the problems every single day. The best thing is you don’t need to spend a single penny and you can also keep track of your progress.

Start Practicing Today…

Practice w3wiki portal can help you in building your problem solving and coding skill. To crack the interview of any big tech company this skill is really important. It should be your topmost priority to learn. So get your hands dirty in solving the coding questions of data structures and algorithms every single day.

  • You will solve basic, easy, medium and hard difficulty level of questions, so it’s useful for all the students as well as professionals.
  • You can sort the questions by accuracy, submission or newest.
  • You can also filter out questions based on specific data structures and algorithms topics such as Array, Linked List, Graph, Tree and many more.
  • The best thing is you can track your progress on this board while solving the problems every single day.

Now imagine, if you solve the question regularly on this board and utilize your time wisely then how confident you can become in problem-solving and coding skills. We are sure that it will boost your CV and you will be fully prepared for your next interviews.

Targeting for Tech Giant Companies (Like Google, Microsoft, Amazon …..) ??

If you want the coding problems company-wise then you must follow the link Must Do Coding Questions Company-wise. Here, you will find the top tech company name tags and solve the questions. This is beneficial if your target is any specific company.

Also, w3wiki is providing coding questions Topic-Wise like Arrays, String, Stack, Tree, Graph, bit Magic, etc. If you want to practice them then follow the link Must Do Coding Questions for Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, Etc. While solving the questions you will get an idea that what kind of questions and a specific flavor a specific company includes in their questions while interviewing a candidate. You will also have an idea of difficulty level and how companies include a slight modification in the questions which you have seen earlier.

Learn a new Programming Language –

w3wiki has been generating plethora of quality content for the knowledge-hungry Geeks that can be accessed freely. You can find the different programming languages tutorials like C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Golang, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Also, you can access a huge pool of Data Structure and Algorithms concepts and problems.

Bring Out The Geek In You During COVID-19 Outbreak

The world is facing one of the worst epidemics, the outbreak of COVID-19, you all are aware of that and this is not the first time when we are fighting against some pandemic. We hope that you all are taking the proper precautions mentioned by the health organizations to stay safe and to protect yourself from this serious infectious disease. Most of the people are staying at home during this time and avoiding going outside.

Schools and colleges are also closed. A lot of people are unable to continue their studies and learning because they can’t go outside, they can’t attend the classroom programs, they can’t interact with friends or mentors to get the help and they can’t attend any meetups or events as well. So you might be thinking to spend this free time doing some below stuff…

  • Watching a new TV series on Netflix or Amazon Prime
  • Searching for a new game and get really into it.
  • Spending your whole day roaming in your house, sleeping, eating, scrolling social media, listening music and staring out the window at the empty streets around you.

Before you think to do any of the things mentioned above remember that a wise person always remains calm in these kinds of situations and will try to consume enough of the knowledge so that he/she can become a valuable asset later. If you feel that you are stuck at home and you can’t continue your studies without attending your college and interacting with your mentor and friends then here is a quick motivation and an interesting fact for you…

When the Great Plague of London was going around in 1665, Cambridge University shut down and Isaac Newton was forced to stay home. During this time, he invented calculus, parts of optic theory and allegedly, while sitting in his garden, he saw an apple fall from a tree that inspired his understanding of gravity and laws of motion.

So, if you think you are can’t achieve anything while staying at home then you are wrong. You are not powerless and your brain is not different than Newton or Einstein or any other legend. Technology can save someone’s life, you can utilize this time wisely, you can develop your technical skills and you can build some applications to help others. You can also utilize this time to develop your coding skills and secure a job in the future for yourself. Now the question is how, if you can’t go outside…??

To build an application and to secure a job, a lot of people (including self-taught) teach programming to themselves using the free online resources and this is something you can do at this time…

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Practice the Coding Problems and Uplift Your Skills

Data structure and Algorithms is the most important skill to become a good programmer or to crack the interview of any top tech product-based companies. Today, in the era of the internet you can learn this valuable skill-set easily using the online coding portal. In the past 12 Years, GeeksforGeeks has helped a lot of students and professionals to build this valuable skill and other technical skills to secure a job in some big top tech companies including Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Adobe....

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