Harry Potter House Quiz – Mixed House Questions

21. What is the Sorting Hat’s song at the end of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”?

a) The Sorting Hat’s Lament

b) The Hat’s Ballad

c) The Sorting Song

d) The Hogwarts Anthem

Answer: c) The Sorting Song

22. Which house was known for producing dark wizards, according to Hagrid?

a) Gryffindor

b) Hufflepuff

c) Ravenclaw

d) Slytherin

Answer: d) Slytherin

23. In “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” what creature is unleashed in Hogwarts that only attacks Muggle-born students?

a) Hippogriff

b) Acromantula

c) Dementor

d) Basilisk

Answer: d) Basilisk

24. Which house does Luna Lovegood belong to?

a) Gryffindor

b) Hufflepuff

c) Ravenclaw

d) Slytherin

Answer: c) Ravenclaw

25. Which magical plant is known for its healing properties and is a common ingredient in potions?

a) Mandrake

b) Devil’s Snare

c) Gillyweed

d) Flobberworm

Answer: a) Mandrake

26. What is the name of the room where Dumbledore’s Army practices in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”?

a) The Room of Requirement

b) The Chamber of Secrets

c) The Forbidden Forest

d) The Great Hall

Answer: a) The Room of Requirement

27. Which magical creature is known for its ability to sense when someone is lying?

a) Thestral

b) Hippogriff

c) Blast-Ended Skrewt

d) Bowtruckle

Answer: d) Bowtruckle

28. What does the Marauder’s Map show?

a) All the secret passages in Hogwarts

b) The locations of magical creatures in Hogwarts

c) The history of Hogwarts

d) The future events in Hogwarts

Answer: a) All the secret passages in Hogwarts

29. What is the name of the village near Hogwarts where students can go to buy their school supplies?

a) Diagon Alley

b) Hogsmeade

c) Godric’s Hollow

d) Little Whinging

Answer: b) Hogsmeade

30. What is the name of the magical object that allows someone to revisit their memories?

a) Pensieve

b) Time-Turner

c) Mirror of Erised

d) Remembrall

Answer: a) Pensieve

31. In “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” which two schools compete against Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament?

a) Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

b) Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Castelobruxo

c) Mahoutokoro School of Magic and Uagadou

d) Koldovstoretz and Uagadou

Answer: a) Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

32. Which creature guards the entrance to the Gryffindor common room?

a) The Fat Lady

b) The Grey Lady

c) The Bloody Baron

d) Nearly Headless Nick

Answer: a) The Fat Lady

33. What is the name of the dark force that guards the Philosopher’s Stone in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”?

a) Dementors

b) Basilisk

c) Thestrals

d) Fluffy

Answer: d) Fluffy

34. Who was the head of Gryffindor House during Harry’s time at Hogwarts?

a) Professor Snape

b) Professor McGonagall

c) Professor Flitwick

d) Professor Sprout

Answer: b) Professor McGonagall

35. What is the name of the enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall at Hogwarts?

a) Sky Vault

b) Celestial Canopy

c) Starry Dome

d) Enchanted Sky

Answer: c) Starry Dome

36. Which house did Cedric Diggory belong to?

a) Gryffindor

b) Hufflepuff

c) Ravenclaw

d) Slytherin

Answer: b) Hufflepuff

37. What is the name of the giant spider that lives in the Forbidden Forest?

a) Aragog

b) Buckbeak

c) Fluffy

d) Norbert

Answer: a) Aragog

38. Which house does Draco Malfoy belong to?

a) Gryffindor

b) Hufflepuff

c) Ravenclaw

d) Slytherin

Answer: d) Slytherin

39. What is the name of the magical plant that screams when touched?

a) Whomping Willow

b) Mandrake

c) Mimbulus Mimbletonia

d) Devil’s Snare

Answer: a) Whomping Willow

40. Who was the head of Slytherin House during Harry’s time at Hogwarts?

a) Professor Snape

b) Professor McGonagall

c) Professor Flitwick

d) Professor Sprout

Answer: a) Professor Snape

41. Which Quidditch position did Oliver Wood play for the Gryffindor team during Harry’s first year?

a) Seeker

b) Chaser

c) Keeper

d) Beater

Answer: c) Keeper

42. What is the name of Hagrid’s giant three-headed dog in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”?

a) Fang

b) Fluffy

c) Norbert

d) Buckbeak

Answer: b) Fluffy

43. What magical creature does Luna Lovegood believe in that can only be seen by those who have seen death?

a) Thestral

b) Nargle

c) Hippogriff

d) Dementor

Answer: a) Thestral

44. Which professor teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”?

a) Professor Snape

b) Professor Lockhart

c) Professor Lupin

d) Professor Quirrell

Answer: c) Professor Lupin

45. What is the name of the house-elf who serves the Malfoy family?

a) Kreacher

b) Dobby

c) Winky

d) Hokey

Answer: a) Kreacher

46. What is the name of the enchanted object that allows the user to go back in time?

a) Pensieve

b) Time-Turner

c) Mirror of Erised

d) Remembrall

Answer: b) Time-Turner

47. Which spell is used to conjure the Patronus charm?

a) Expelliarmus

b) Expecto Patronum

c) Wingardium Leviosa

d) Stupefy

Answer: b) Expecto Patronum

48. In “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” who is revealed to be the Half-Blood Prince?

a) Draco Malfoy

b) Severus Snape

c) Tom Riddle

d) Harry Potter

Answer: b) Severus Snape

49. What is the name of the magical creature that is part horse and part eagle?

a) Thestral

b) Hippogriff

c) Centaur

d) Griffin

Answer: b) Hippogriff

50. Which house does Cho Chang belong to?

a) Gryffindor

b) Hufflepuff

c) Ravenclaw

d) Slytherin

Answer: c) Ravenclaw

Let the hat perform its magic while providing an honest response to each question in this Harry Potter house quiz. All houses are equally significant and valuable in their own unique ways, regardless of whether you land up in Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Gryffindor. Best of luck!

Harry Potter House Quiz: Find Your Hogwarts Home?

Ever wondered which Hogwarts house you’d fit into? Our “Harry Potter House Quiz: Find Your Hogwarts Home?” is here to unlock the secrets of J.K. Rowling’s magical universe and find out where your true loyalties lie. Whether you see yourself as a brave Gryffindor, a loyal Hufflepuff, a wise Ravenclaw, or a cunning Slytherin, this quiz is your key to discovering your Hogwarts destiny.

The Harry Potter series has captivated millions worldwide, weaving a rich tapestry of adventure, friendship, and magic. At the heart of this spellbinding world is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a place where young witches and wizards learn their craft and form lifelong allegiances.

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