Here’s how you can comment in JSX:

Single-Line Comments:


const element = (
    {/* This is a single-line comment in JSX */}
    <p>Hello, JSX!</p>

Multi-Line Comments:


const element = (
      This is a multi-line comment in JSX.
      It spans across multiple lines.
    <p>Hello, JSX!</p>

Note that JSX comments are not included in the generated HTML output. They are purely for developer documentation and won’t affect the rendered UI. When JSX code is transpiled to JavaScript, comments are typically stripped out during the process.

How to comment in JSX?

In JSX(JavaScript XML), you can use curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions, including comments. However, unlike regular JavaScript comments (which are used/* */ ' for multi-line comments and ‘ // ' used for single-line comments), JSX comments are treated as JavaScript expressions.

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Here’s how you can comment in JSX:

Single-Line Comments:...