History of Local Self-Government in India

The village panchayat was created as a form of local self-government in response to requests for local autonomy during British rule. At the most basic levels of government, they distributed authority to the people. Provinces were also permitted to enact laws under the Government of India Act of 1935. Even though India had local self-government, the constitution’s authors weren’t happy with the current legal framework. In addition, they included Article 40, allowing states to establish autonomous organizations in the shape of local panchayats.

What is Local Self-Government?

Local Self-Government: Local self-government is a form of democratic governance where involvement is accepted and encouraged at all societal levels. After 1882, when Lord Rippon, the founder of local self-government, took the initiative, elected local self-government organizations were founded. At the time, these were referred to as local bodies. Village panchayats were firmly established in various areas after the Government of India Act was passed in 1919.

Table of Content

  • What is Local Self-Government?
  • Promotion of Local Self-Government
  • History of Local Self-Government in India
  • Growth of Local Self-Government in India

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