How to Find Keyword Cannibalization?

Identifying keyword cannibalization involves analyzing your website’s content and identifying instances where multiple pages target the same or very similar keywords. Here are steps to help you find cannibalized keywords:

  • Compile a List of Target Keywords:
    • Begin by compiling a list of target keywords for your website. These are the keywords you are actively trying to rank for in search engine results.

List of Target Keywords

  • Perform a Site-wide Keyword Analysis:
    • Use SEO tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or third-party tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz to analyze the performance of each page on your site for specific keywords.
    • Identify which keywords each page is ranking for and whether there’s overlap between pages.
  • Review On-Page Optimization:
    • Examine the on-page optimization of each page, including meta titles, meta descriptions, and the main content. Look for instances where multiple pages are optimized for the same or very similar keywords.
  • Check Internal Links:
    • Analyze internal linking structures. Check whether multiple pages are linking with anchor text optimized for the same keywords.
    • Identify pages that are frequently linked to using specific anchor text that matches the target keywords.
  • Use SEO Tools:
    • Utilize SEO tools with features specifically designed to identify keyword cannibalization. For example, tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs may have features that highlight instances of cannibalization or conflicting keyword targeting.

Cannibalization detection Tool

  • Review Rankings and Traffic Data:
    • Analyze ranking and traffic data for each page targeting specific keywords. Identify patterns where multiple pages are competing for the same keyword, potentially leading to cannibalization.
  • Check Search Engine Results:
    • Manually search for your target keywords on search engines and observe which pages from your website appear in the results.
    • Note if multiple pages from your site are consistently appearing for the same keyword.

Page Position on search

  • Consolidate Data and Evaluate:
    • Consolidate the data you’ve gathered and evaluate whether there are clear instances of keyword cannibalization.
    • Look for pages that share similar or identical target keywords, and where their presence in search results may be causing confusion.
  • Address and Optimize:
    • Once identified, address keyword cannibalization by either consolidating content, using canonical tags, or optimizing pages for distinct, relevant keywords.
    • Update internal links to guide search engines on the preferred page for specific keywords.

Keyword Cannibalization in SEO

Keyword Cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on the same website compete for the same keyword. This can confuse search engines and lead to lower rankings. It’s important to have a clear keyword strategy to avoid this issue. The challenge is to identify and resolve instances of keyword cannibalization to ensure optimal ranking.

Table of Content

  • What Is Keyword Cannibalization?
  • Why Keyword Cannibalization is bad?
  • How to Find Cannibalized Keywords?
  • How To Fix Keyword Cannibalization?
  • FAQs related to Keyword Cannibalization

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What Is Keyword Cannibalization


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FAQs related to Keyword Cannibalization

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