How to monetize YouTube videos without 1000 subscribers

The following are the top ten YouTube monetization techniques:

Affiliates Link

The video host’s inclusion of a purchase link is a referral scheme. This scheme lets you earn a commission whenever someone purchases from your link.

Selling Digital Products

Digital products are an excellent way to make passive revenue on YouTube since they require a single setup and a link in your description or video, and customers will keep buying from you.

Selling Services

You may use your channel to market your professional services and abilities to your audience. YouTube channels have been used by coaches, psychologists, designers, photographers, and other professionals to advertise their services.

Crowdfunding and Donations

You ask your subscribers to make donations to help you grow your channel or rely on services.

Ads on YouTube other than Google Adsense

You can control the placement of YouTube adverts before or during videos in various YouTube ad types.

Channel Membership

Channel members receive exclusive benefits like one-on-one live chats and product discounts in exchange for a monthly subscription.


The beauty of this is that dozens of supported merchant platforms are on the market today, ready and waiting to help you sell your branded products.

Paid Sponsorships

This strategy aims to obtain sponsorships from companies or brands in exchange for using their products or discussing their services in your content.

Beneficial Features (Super Chat, Stickers, and Thanks)

During live streams on YouTube, these “super” features appear in three forms:

  • Super Chat: The Super Chat feature prioritizes your chat message over everyone else’s.
  • Super Stickers: Like Super Chat, but fans buy and share eye-catching stickers to pin to chat streams.
  • Super Thanks:Users can give love to their favorite creators with this feature by commenting on them and getting an animated GIF.

YouTube BrandConnect

For content marketing campaigns, brands can connect with YouTube creators using this service.

( currently available in the U.S., U.K., and Canada.)

Quick Tip- How to Increase Your YouTube Monetary Income

To make money on YouTube, you must take a volcanic approach to taking your viewers on a journey.

Step 1- Making the Final stuff

Make sure that the video has a clear message and is interesting enough to get people’s attention if you want to get more views.

Step 2- Follow a solid promotion strategy.

Using the power of social media sites can help you get more people to follow you. Use sites like Instagram and Facebook to get more people to see your work.

Step 3- Company- YouTuber collaboration

Many YouTube followers will help you set up and run your channel and get more views. It can be made easier by working with other YouTubers and artists on special posts and Vlogs.

Step 4- SEO Tips and Tricks to Improve Visibility and Growth

Optimizing YouTube videos and pages helps them show up higher in search results so you can reach more of your target audience.

Step 5- Study the preferences of your Target audience.

Do a lot of research on the emotions and topics that interest your target audience to make material they will want to read.

How to Monetize YouTube Channel

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