Installation of Nuubi Tool in Kali Linux OS

Step 1: Open up your Kali Linux terminal and move to Desktop using the following command.

cd Desktop

Step 2: You are on Desktop now create a new directory called NUUBI using the following command. In this directory, we will complete the installation of the NUUBI tool.

mkdir NUUBI

Step 3:Now switch to NUUBI directory using the following command.


Step 4: Now you have to install the tool. You have to clone the tool from Github.

git clone

Step 5: The tool has been downloaded successfully in the NUUBI directory. Now list out the contents of the tool by using the below command.


Step 6: You can observe that there is a new directory created of the nuubi tool that has been generated while we were installing the tool. Now move to that directory using the below command:

cd nuubi

Step 7: Once again to discover the contents of the tool, use the below command.


Step 8: Download the required packages for running the tool, use the following command.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 9: Now we are done with our installation, Use the below command to view the help (gives a better understanding of tool) index of the tool.

python3 -h

Nuubi – Tool for Information Gathering, Scanning And Recon

The information gathered or collected in the Reconnaissance phase serves as the milestone for upcoming stages like Scanning, Exploitation, etc. So managing the relevant and sensitive data is always challenging work for every penetration tester. NUBBI is one tool that is used for penetration testing. NUBBI is a Python-language based tool that performs lots of Recon. 

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Installation of Nuubi Tool in Kali Linux OS

Step 1: Open up your Kali Linux terminal and move to Desktop using the following command....

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