NUBBI gathers information like

  1. Performing Banner grabbing
  2. Performing Subnetlookup
  3. Performing Cms detection
  4. Performing Certificate Transparency log monitor
  5. Performing  DNS lookup
  6. Performing Extract links Recon
  7. Performing GeoIP lookup
  8. Performing HTTP headers
  9. Performing Nmap scan
  10. Performing Subdomain lookup
  11. Performing Traceroute Scan
  12. Finding hosts sharing DNS servers
  13. URL and website scanner for potentially malicious websites, etc.

Gathering this information can ease exploitation and give a better methodology for the penetration tester to perform Security Research.

Nuubi – Tool for Information Gathering, Scanning And Recon

The information gathered or collected in the Reconnaissance phase serves as the milestone for upcoming stages like Scanning, Exploitation, etc. So managing the relevant and sensitive data is always challenging work for every penetration tester. NUBBI is one tool that is used for penetration testing. NUBBI is a Python-language based tool that performs lots of Recon. 

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NUBBI gathers information like :

Performing Banner grabbing Performing Subnetlookup Performing Cms detection Performing Certificate Transparency log monitor Performing  DNS lookup Performing Extract links Recon Performing GeoIP lookup Performing HTTP headers Performing Nmap scan Performing Subdomain lookup Performing Traceroute Scan Finding hosts sharing DNS servers URL and website scanner for potentially malicious websites, etc....

Installation of Nuubi Tool in Kali Linux OS

Step 1: Open up your Kali Linux terminal and move to Desktop using the following command....

Working with NUUBI Tool:

Example 1: Subnet Lookup of target...