Key points about React components

  • Functional Components: Functional components are a simpler form of components introduced in React. They are JavaScript functions that take props (short for properties) as input and return React elements.
  • Class Components: Class components are ES6 classes that extend the React.Component class. They have a render method that returns React elements, and they can also have lifecycle methods for handling component lifecycle events.
  • Props: Components can receive data through props, which are similar to function arguments. Props allow a component to be configured and customized when it is used within another component.
  • State: Components can have local state managed using the useState hook in functional components or the setState method in class components. State is used to store and manage dynamic data within a component.
  • Lifecycle Methods (Class Components): Class components have lifecycle methods, such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount, which allow developers to execute code at specific points in the component’s lifecycle.

React components promote modularity, reusability, and maintainability in application development. They allow developers to break down complex UIs into manageable and composable pieces, facilitating the construction of scalable and maintainable

What is a React component?

In React, a component is a reusable and self-contained building block that encapsulates a piece of the user interface and its related functionality. Components are the core building blocks of React applications and can be either functional or class-based.

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Key points about React components:

Functional Components: Functional components are a simpler form of components introduced in React. They are JavaScript functions that take props (short for properties) as input and return React elements. Class Components: Class components are ES6 classes that extend the React.Component class. They have a render method that returns React elements, and they can also have lifecycle methods for handling component lifecycle events. Props: Components can receive data through props, which are similar to function arguments. Props allow a component to be configured and customized when it is used within another component. State: Components can have local state managed using the useState hook in functional components or the setState method in class components. State is used to store and manage dynamic data within a component. Lifecycle Methods (Class Components): Class components have lifecycle methods, such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount, which allow developers to execute code at specific points in the component’s lifecycle....