LCM Formula

What is Formula of LCM and HCF?

The Formula of LCM and HCF is :

Product of two numbers = LCM of two numbers × HCF of two numbers

What are Methods to Find LCM?

LCM can be calculated by the following three methods:

  • Prime Factorization
  • Listing out Common Multiples
  • Division

How to Find Lowest Common Multiple?

We can easily find the Lowest Common Multiple of two or more numbers by listing the multiples of all the numbers and finding the smallest common multiple of each.

What is Formula for GCD to LCM?

The Formula for GCD to LCM is given by:

ab/GCD(a,b) = LCM(a,b)

Why is 24 LCM of 8 and 12?

24 is divisible by both 8 and 12. Also 24 is the first and smallest common multiple of 8 and 12, hence it is considered as LCM of 8 and 12.

What is the full form of LCM?

The full form of LCM is Least Common Multiple.

LCM Formula

LCM Formula: LCM stands for Least Common Multiple. LCM of two numbers say a and b is defined as the smallest positive integer divisible by both the numbers a and b. Hence, the LCM is the smallest common multiple of two or more numbers. It is also called lowest common multiple, or smallest common multiple.

In this article, we will discuss LCM, Formulas to calculate LCM, and different methods used to find the LCM of two or more numbers.

Table of Content

  • What is LCM?
  • LCM Formula
  • Finding LCM using HCF Formula
  • LCM Formula for 2 Numbers
  • LCM of Fractions
  • LCM Calculator
  • How to Find LCM (Lowest Common Multiple)?
  • LCM by Listing Multiples
  • LCM using Prime Factorization Method
  • LCM using Division Method
  • LCM Formula Examples
  • Practice Questions on LCM Formula
  • Properties of LCM

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