Limitations of Globe

The limitations of the globe are as follows:

  1. Globes are difficult to hold and carry due to their big size which limits their usage.
  2. Unlike maps globes are always made for the whole earth and cannot be used to show an enlarged view of a part of Earth.
  3. Globes are not useful to study specific parts of Earth in detail.
  4. A globe does not show detailed features like roads, railways, cities, vegetation, etc.
  5. Globes are more expensive compared to maps and everyone couldn’t afford to buy a large globe.
  6. Unlike maps, globes need a lot of space and cannot be folded which makes them inconvenient.
  7. Globes having a surface texture to represent mountains, plateaus, etc are more exaggerated because otherwise, they are hardly visible which gives relatively wrong dimensions for students.
  8. Digital maps provide interactive features and the ability to zoom in and out, globes provide limited interactivity. Digital maps are used extensively these days which limits the usage of globes.
  9. Globes focus only on geographical features and do not provide sufficient information about cultural aspects.
  10. Globes cannot illustrate small-scale features like ponds, streams, villages, etc.
  11. Globes provide limited accessibility to visually impaired individuals as most globes only rely on visual representation.
  12. It is very difficult to maintain the actual curvature of the Earth on a globe so the lines of latitude and longitude are not very accurate.

What are advantages and limitations of Globe

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