Lock Point

The Point at which the growing phase ends, i.e., when a transaction takes the final lock it needs to carry on its work. Now look at the schedule, you’ll surely understand. I have said that 2-PL ensures serializability, but there are still some drawbacks of 2-PL. Let’s glance at the drawbacks.

Two Phase Locking Protocol

Now, recalling where we last left off, there are two types of Locks available Shared S(a) and Exclusive X(a). Implementing this lock system without any restrictions gives us the Simple Lock-based protocol (or Binary Locking), but it has its own disadvantages, they do not guarantee Serializability. Schedules may follow the preceding rules but a non-serializable schedule may result.

To guarantee serializability, we must follow some additional protocols concerning the positioning of locking and unlocking operations in every transaction. This is where the concept of Two-Phase Locking(2-PL) comes into the picture, 2-PL ensures serializability. Now, let’s dig deep!

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Two Phase Locking

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Lock Point

The Point at which the growing phase ends, i.e., when a transaction takes the final lock it needs to carry on its work. Now look at the schedule, you’ll surely understand. I have said that 2-PL ensures serializability, but there are still some drawbacks of 2-PL. Let’s glance at the drawbacks....

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is 2-Phase Locking Protocol?...