How to use Regular Expression In Javascript

Using regular expression to find strings matching a pattern involves creating a regex pattern from the input pattern, replacing ‘?’ with ‘.’ to match any character, then filtering the dictionary based on regex matches.


function findMatchingStrings(dictionary, pattern) {
  const regex = new RegExp(`^${pattern.replace(/\?/g, '.')}$`);
  return dictionary.filter(word => regex.test(word));

const dictionary = ["cat", "bat", "rat", "hat", "mat"];
const pattern = "b?t";
const matchingStrings = findMatchingStrings(dictionary, pattern);
console.log(matchingStrings); // Output: ["bat"]

[ 'bat' ]

JavaScript Program to Find all Strings that Match Specific Pattern in a Dictionary

Finding all strings in a dictionary that match a specific pattern in JavaScript involves searching for words that follow a particular structure or format within a given dictionary. The pattern can include placeholders for characters, allowing flexibility in the search. In this article, we will explore various approaches for finding all strings that match specific patterns in a dictionary in JavaScript.


Input: words= ["sss", "mmm", "tyu", "abc"];
            pattern = "aaa"
Output: ["sss" "mmm"]
Explanation: sss and mmm have,similar pattern.
Input: words = ["123", "112", "456", "133"];
            pattern = "mno"
Output: ["123" "456"]
Explanation: 123 and 456 have,similar pattern.

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Method 3: Using Regular Expression

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