mTOR Signaling


Upstream mTORC1

The Akt/PKB Signaling Pathway

  • Insulin-like growth factors can activate mTORC1 via the RTK-Akt/PKB signaling pathway.
  • Finally, Akt phosphorylates TSC2 on serine 939, serine 981, and threonine 1462. 
  • These phosphorylated regions will attract the cytosolic anchoring protein 14-3-3 to TSC2, breaking the TSC1/TSC2 dimer.
  • When TSC2 is not connected with TSC1, it loses its GAP activity and is unable to hydrolyze Rheb-GTP.
  • This leads to sustained stimulation of mTORC1, allowing for protein synthesis via insulin signaling.
  • Akt will also phosphorylate PRAS40, causing it to detach from the Raptor protein on mTORC1.
  • Because PRAS40 blocks Raptor from attracting mTORC1 substrates 4E-BP1 and S6K1, removing it will allow the two substrates to be recruited to mTORC1 and therefore activated in this way.
  • Furthermore, because insulin is a substance released by pancreatic beta cells in response to blood glucose rise, its signaling guarantees that there is enough energy for protein synthesis to occur.
  • S6K1 has the ability to phosphorylate the insulin receptor and reduce its sensitivity to insulin in a negative feedback loop on mTORC1 signaling.
  • This is extremely important in diabetes mellitus, which is caused by insulin resistance.

MAPK/ERK Signaling Pathway

  • Mitogens such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) can activate the MAPK/ERK pathway, which inhibits the TSC1/TSC2 complex and so activates mTORC1.
  • The G protein Ras is linked to the plasma membrane by a farnesyl group in this pathway and is in its inactive GDP form.
  • The adaptor protein GRB2 connects with its SH2 domains when a growth factor binds to the nearby receptor tyrosine kinase, which maintains mTORC1 active.
  • RSK has also been demonstrated to phosphorylate the raptor, which aids in its resistance to PRAS40 inhibition.

JNK Signaling Pathway

  • JNK signaling is a component of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling system, which is important in stress signaling pathways including gene expression, neural development, and cell survival.
  • Recent research has revealed a direct molecular connection in which JNK phosphorylates Raptor at Ser-696, Thr-706, and Ser-863.
  • As a result, JNK regulates mTORC1 activity.
  • Thus, JNK activation affects protein synthesis via mTORC1 downstream effectors such as S6 kinase and eIFs.

Downstream TORC1

  •  mTORC1 regulates transcription and translation by interacting with S6K1 and 4E-BP1, the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) binding protein 1, mostly through phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of its downstream targets.
  • In eukaryotic cells, S6K1 and 4E-BP1 regulate translation.
  • Their signals will converge at the translation initiation complex on the 5′ end of mRNA, resulting in translation activation.


  • When mTORC1 is activated, it phosphorylates the translation repressor protein 4E-BP1, freeing it from the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E. (eIF4E).
  • eIF4E is now free to associate with the eukaryotic translation initiation factors 4G (eIF4G) and 4A (eIF4A) (eIF4A).
  • After binding to the 5′ cap of mRNA, this complex recruits the helicase eukaryotic translation initiation factor A (eIF4A) and its cofactor eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B. (eIF4B).
  • The helicase is essential to remove hairpin loops that form in the 5′ untranslated regions of mRNA, preventing premature protein translation.


  • mTOR mediates S6K signaling in a rapamycin-dependent way, with S6K being displaced from the eIF3 complex when mTOR binds to eIF3. 
  • Active S6K1 can then boost protein synthesis by recruiting S6 Ribosomal protein (a ribosomal component) and eIF4B to the pre-initiation complex.
  • S6K1 can interact with mTORC1 in a positive feedback loop by phosphorylating mTOR’s negative regulatory domain at two locations, thr-2446 and ser-2448.
  • Phosphorylation at these locations appears to boost mTOR activity.
  • S6K can also phosphorylate programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4), putting it at risk of degradation by the ubiquitin ligase Beta-TrCP.

mTORC2 Downstream

  • mTORC2 regulates cell survival and proliferation primarily by phosphorylating (PKA/PKG/PKC) protein kinase family.
    mTORC2 controls the actin cytoskeleton via PKC but can also phosphorylate other members of the PKC family that govern cell migration and cytoskeletal remodeling.
  • mTORC2 is involved in the phosphorylation and consequently, activation of Akt, which is a critical signaling component downstream from PI3K once activated, as well as the phosphorylation of SGK1, PKC, and HDACs.

mTORC2’s Upstream

  • mTORC2’s mSin1 subunit, like other PI3K-regulated proteins, has a PH domain that binds phosphoinositides.
  • This domain inhibits mTORC2 catalytic activity in the absence of insulin, which is required for insulin-dependent regulation of mTORC2 activity.
  • The mSin1 subunit can also be phosphorylated by Akt.
  • mTORC1 phosphorylates and thereby activates Grb10, an upstream negative regulator of insulin/IGF-1 receptor signalling.
  • Furthermore, Ric-8B protein and certain lipid metabolites have been discovered as major regulators of mTORC2 activity.

mTOR Signaling Pathway

Cell signaling (cell communication in British English) is the capacity of a cell to receive, process, and transmit messages with its surroundings and with itself. Cell signaling is a basic characteristic of all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular life. Cell signaling can take place across short or long distances, and is thus classed as autocrine, juxtacrine, paracrine, and endocrine. Signaling molecules can be produced via a variety of biosynthetic pathways and released by passive or active transporters, as well as cell injury. 

Receptors are important in cell signaling because they can sense chemical signals as well as physical inputs. Receptors are proteins that are found on the cell surface or within the cell’s interior, such as the cytoplasm, organelles, and nucleus. Additional enzymatic activity such as proteolytic cleavage, phosphorylation, methylation, and ubiquitinylation may occur as a result of these signaling pathways. Each cell is designed to respond to certain extracellular signal molecules, which serve as the foundation for development, tissue repair, immunology, and homeostasis.

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mTOR Signaling


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FAQs on mTOR Signaling

Question 1: How does mTOR inhibition work?...