nnet Packgae in R for Multinomial Logistic Regression

We can also define a neural network using nnet package in R and in the neural net we can have more than two output categories by including that many numbers of nodes in the output layer of the neural network.


# Fit multinomial logistic regression model
model <- multinom(Species ~ Petal.Length
                  + Petal.Width
                  + Sepal.Length
                  + Sepal.Width,
                  data = iris)
# Predict flower species for new data
new_data <- data.frame(Petal.Length = 1.5,
                       Petal.Width = 0.3, 
                       Sepal.Length = 4.5, 
                       Sepal.Width = 3.1)
predict(model, newdata = new_data, type = "class")


# weights:  18 (10 variable)
initial  value 164.791843 
iter  10 value 16.177348
iter  20 value 7.111438
iter  30 value 6.182999
iter  40 value 5.984028
iter  50 value 5.961278
iter  60 value 5.954900
iter  70 value 5.951851
iter  80 value 5.950343
iter  90 value 5.949904
iter 100 value 5.949867
final  value 5.949867 
stopped after 100 iterations

The iris dataset contains measurements of petal and sepal length and width for three different species of flowers (setosa, versicolor, and virginica). We fit the multinomial logistic regression model to predict flower species based on the four measurements. We then use the predict function to predict the species of new flowers with the given measurements.

Multinomial Logistic Regression in R

In this article, we will learn about Multinomial Logistic Regression which can be used when we have more than two categories in the target column. Let’s first start with a little bit brief explanation about the multinomial logistic regression and after this we will move on to the code implementation part by using different packages which are available in R.

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nnet Packgae in R for Multinomial Logistic Regression
