VGAM Package in R for Multinomial Logistic Regression

The VGAM (Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models) package in R Programming Language provides a suite of functions for fitting a variety of regression models. The vglm() function is one of the most commonly used functions in the package and can be used for multinomial logistic regression.


# Load the iris dataset
# Convert the species variable to a factor
iris$Species <- as.factor(iris$Species)
# Fit a multinomial logistic regression model
fit <- vglm(Species ~ Sepal.Length 
            + Sepal.Width
            + Petal.Length
            + Petal.Width,
            data = iris,
            family = multinomial)
# Print the model summary


             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept):1     35.490  22666.953      NA       NA  
(Intercept):2     42.638     25.708   1.659   0.0972 .
Sepal.Length:1     9.495   6729.217      NA       NA  
Sepal.Length:2     2.465      2.394   1.030   0.3032  
Sepal.Width:1     12.300   3143.611      NA       NA  
Sepal.Width:2      6.681      4.480   1.491   0.1359  
Petal.Length:1   -22.975   4799.227  -0.005   0.9962  
Petal.Length:2    -9.429      4.737      NA       NA  
Petal.Width:1    -33.843   7583.502      NA       NA  
Petal.Width:2    -18.286      9.743      NA       NA

Multinomial Logistic Regression in R

In this article, we will learn about Multinomial Logistic Regression which can be used when we have more than two categories in the target column. Let’s first start with a little bit brief explanation about the multinomial logistic regression and after this we will move on to the code implementation part by using different packages which are available in R.

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