Passive Transport Across Cell Membrane

Different molecules are transported across the cell membrane by this energy-free transport method from a gradient of high concentration to low concentration. Unlike active transport, which requires a concentration gradient, passive transport does not. Molecules are transported via passive transport, which substitutes heat energy for ATP. There are three types of passive transport systems, which are as follows:


Osmosis is the process by which water molecules move across a semi-permeable membrane from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. There are two types of osmosis known as Exosmosis and Endosmosis.

Simple Diffusion

Diffusion is a process of transportation in which molecules are transported from high concentrations to low concentrations until equilibrium sets. This transport system is used in plants for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Facilitated Diffusion

In this transport system, insoluble lipid molecules get transported across the cell membrane via carrier proteins. This transport system does not require ATP energy, and the rate of transportation is also high in contrast to simple diffusion.

Transport Across Cell Membrane

Transport across the cell membrane is a special process that occurs via the cell membrane. The cell membrane keeps the internal and external environment separate and allows only specific molecules to transport across it. Transportation of molecules occurs via a specialized process known as active and passive transport. The selection of a molecule transporter depends on the molecule to be transported.

In this article, we will discuss transport system types, mechanisms of transport, active transport, passive transport, bulk transport, examples of transport, and factors influencing these transports.

Table of Content

  • What is Transport Across Cell Membrane?
  • Types and Mechanisms of Transport Across Cell Membrane
  • Active Transport Across Cell Membrane
  • Passive Transport Across Cell Membrane
  • Bulk Transport
  • Factors Influencing Transport Across Cell Membrane
  • Examples of Transport Across the Cell Membrane

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