Properties of d Block Elements

The properties of d Block elements are categorized into following types

  • Physical Properties of d-Block Elements
  • Chemical Properties of d-Block Elements

These Properties are discussed below:

Physical Properties of d-block Elements

D-block elements are known for their high melting points, high density, robustness, and excellent electrical conductivity. These properties make them crucial in various industries, from aerospace to electronics.

Boiling and Melting Points

D-block elements are well-known for their high melting and boiling points. These high values are attributed to the strength of metallic bonds in d-block metals, which arises from their compact and dense atomic structures. The attraction between the positively charged atomic nuclei and the shared electrons is responsible for the remarkable melting and boiling points displayed by these elements.

Magnetic Properties

D-block elements exhibit interesting magnetic properties due to the presence of unpaired electrons in their electron configurations. Elements with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic, which means they are attracted to magnetic fields. This property benefits various applications, such as magnetic data storage devices.

Chemical Properties of d Block Elements

The chemical properties of d-block elements are listed below:

Atomic and Ionic Radii

The atomic radius typically decreases across a period (from left to right in the periodic table) due to increasing nuclear charge and effective nuclear charge, which attracts the electrons closer to the nucleus. However, the atomic radii generally increase down a group (from top to bottom) because of the addition of new energy levels, leading to larger electron clouds. The ionic radii of transition metals and their ions can be crucial in understanding their chemical behaviour and role in various compounds.

Form Stable Complexes

When d-block elements lose or gain electrons to become ions, their ionic radii may vary depending on the number of electrons gained or lost. For example, iron (Fe) can form Fe²⁺ and Fe³⁺ ions, and the ionic radii of these ions differ due to the change in the number of electrons. Due to the presence of d-block they can accommodate much electrons and undergo electron rearrangement to form stable complexes.

Ionization Energy

Ionization energy, the energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion, is another significant property of d-block elements. Generally, d-block elements have higher ionization energies compared to s-block elements. This is due to the greater effective nuclear charge, which holds the electrons more tightly.

Form Coloured Compounds

The compounds formed by d-block elements are generally coloured in nature. This colour is due to the d-d transition between the elements.

d Block Elements

D-block elements are the elements in which the last electron enters the d subshell. d Block elements are situated at the middle of the periodic table, and act as a bridge between metal and non-metals in the periodic table. These elements, also known as transition elements, play a significant role in shaping our fundamental understanding of chemical principles.

In this article, we will learn about d-block elements in detail exploring their electron configurations, providing examples along with their properties and applications, and examining their historical context.

Table of Content

  • What Are d Block Elements in Chemistry?
  • D Block Elements on Periodic Table
  • Why d Block Elements Are Called Transition Elements?
  • Atomic Structure of d Block Elements
  • Characteristics of d Block Elements
  • Properties of d Block Elements

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