
Resources in a broader sense can be grouped into renewable and nonrenewable resources. When we are talking about crops and other forest resources that can take a short time to grow and harvest, they are renewable, whereas non-renewable resources are those that take millions of years to form and are usually deep underground crust. The rapidly growing world population is driving the demand for natural resources. The world’s resources are being consumed faster, especially in most developed countries. Resource consumption is unevenly distributed in the most developed countries, which use more resources than underdeveloped countries.

A resource is a support vehicle or anything that an individual or nation uses to care for or support itself or a  nation. According to Chamber’s Dictionary, a resource is defined as a source of opportunity to help or a means of financing to sustain oneself. It can be any form of human and natural appreciation that changes with time and space. However, resources represent the total wealth or source of wealth of an individual or nation. Based on the definition above, resources can be classified or grouped into two main categories. natural and human resources. It is important to note that the use of natural resources is controlled by certain factors. Factors include skill level, population, demand, capital, and government policy. Resources are unevenly distributed on the surface of the earth.  In some developing countries, the most important resources are agricultural products and extensive water bodies used for hydropower, tourism, irrigation, and fishing.

Human Made Resources

Human Made Resources refer to those resources that humans use from natural things for the creation of something new, which brings convenience as well as value to lives. Examples include wood, cement, sand, solar energy, and so forth.

A resource is anything that is useful and adds value to life. Everything that exists in nature and is useful to mankind – air, water, food, plants, animals, minerals, metals – is a “resource”. The value of each of these resources depends on its usefulness and other factors. For example, metals such as gold, silver, copper, or bronze have economic value. In other words, it can be exchanged for money. However, mountains, rivers, seas, and forests are also resources but have no economic value.

Human made resources

Table of Content

  • Resources
  • Human Made Resources
  • Conserving Resources

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Resources in a broader sense can be grouped into renewable and nonrenewable resources. When we are talking about crops and other forest resources that can take a short time to grow and harvest, they are renewable, whereas non-renewable resources are those that take millions of years to form and are usually deep underground crust. The rapidly growing world population is driving the demand for natural resources. The world’s resources are being consumed faster, especially in most developed countries. Resource consumption is unevenly distributed in the most developed countries, which use more resources than underdeveloped countries....

Human Made Resources

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Conserving Resources

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is human made resources?...