
  • This round was scheduled with the current RMG team head and was more of an HR/personality evaluation round.
  • No such technical/mathematical questions were asked, the round was more around me as a person, maybe assessing communication and verbal skills.
  • A few questions were like why I want to join the company, what makes me different from the other candidates, why I want to join this role, what all other than programming I’m into, etc:-

A total of 6 students were shortlisted for the interview process from the campus, and the company selected one intern for the position (luckily me).

Thanks for the read fellow coder,

Keep coding/scrolling.

Macquarie Groups Ltd. Interview Experience For RMG Internship (On-Campus) Jan-2024

The interview consisted of two rounds, The focus was more on OOPs concepts and implementation, coupled with some mathematics and statistical models; The company didn’t as such want much control over DSA for the role.

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