Round 4 – HR Interview (10 mins)

  • This round was hardly 10 minutes and some standard HR questions on willingness to relocate or not, willingness to work in any team, and any specific preferences for job location.
  • Also, since my 2nd round’s interviewer had given feedback about me that “I am a very strong hire”, this round was sort of formality. At the end, he asked me whether I had any questions for him and I asked him about choosing a team/domain of my liking when I joined Qualcomm and told him about my job location preference.
  • In the end, he told me that you were selected(I felt so relaxed hearing that ????) and said you would soon receive an official email about your selection.

Verdict: I was selected for the Software Engineer role at Qualcomm along with 7 other people. It was a proud moment for me as I got placed on campus on the 1st slot of the 1st day.

TIP: Study Operating Systems, Threading, C/C++, Pointers, Structures & Unions and of course your Resume very thoroughly. Be confident during the interview and think out loud, your interviewer should know how you approach the problem. This not only helps him understand your thought process but eventually helps you in case you proceed in the wrong direction, as he may give you hints and may correct you.

Qualcomm Interview Experience For SWE (On-Campus) 2023

Current Status: Postgrad student at IIT Hyderabad

Company: Qualcomm

Work Experience: 1 year of experience working at Oracle Financial Services Software(OFSS)

Position: Software Engineer (SWE) – Full Time

Job Location: Hyderabad/Bangalore, India

Interview Date: 1st December, 2023

Offer Status: Accepted

Selection Process: Online Assessment + 2 Technical Interview + 1 HR Interview

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