Round 1 – Online Assessment (90mins)

This round was conducted on the HirePro platform on 17th November, 2023. The test had a total of 3 sections and the duration for the test was 90 mins and 60 questions in total.

Section 1 – Aptitude

  • 20 questions, 30 minutes
  • Questions were based on
    • Data Interpretation
    • Time, Distance, Speed, Work
    • Profit & Loss
    • Logical Reasoning
    • Seating Arrangement, etc.

Section 2 – Programming MCQs

  • 20 questions, 30 minutes
  • Questions were primarily based on:
    • struct, union, pointers(v. imp)
    • extern, static keywords
    • C/C++ output-based questions
    • Based on OOPs

Section 3 – Technical Section (Computer Science Fundamentals & OOPS)

  • 20 questions, 30 minutes
  • Questions were primarily based on:
    • Operating system (also focus on threads)
    • Data Structures & Algorithms

All the questions had negative markings. The marking scheme was +1 for the correct answer and -0.25 for the incorrect answer. The section will be switched automatically to the next section when the section timer times out.

Qualcomm Interview Experience For SWE (On-Campus) 2023

Current Status: Postgrad student at IIT Hyderabad

Company: Qualcomm

Work Experience: 1 year of experience working at Oracle Financial Services Software(OFSS)

Position: Software Engineer (SWE) – Full Time

Job Location: Hyderabad/Bangalore, India

Interview Date: 1st December, 2023

Offer Status: Accepted

Selection Process: Online Assessment + 2 Technical Interview + 1 HR Interview

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Round 1 – Online Assessment (90mins)

This round was conducted on the HirePro platform on 17th November, 2023. The test had a total of 3 sections and the duration for the test was 90 mins and 60 questions in total....

Round 2 – Technical Interview (50-55mins)

The interview started with a friendly introduction. Then asked me to explain 2 projects which I had mentioned in my Resume. So, I explained to him about those projects for about 10-12 minutes and we had a healthy discussion during my explanation. He was also interested in knowing what work I did when I was doing a job at Oracle. I told him in brief about it and he was satisfied. Then he asked me a question about structure member alignment & padding in C (since one of my projects had some reference to this). Then he asked me a question from “Probability” (YES, you read it right). The question was: Given an 8-bit integer where all bits of this integer are initially 0. You can flip/toggle any two bits of this integer to make it 1. What is the probability that the integer becomes (12)10 after this operation? Answer: There are a total of 8 bits out of which we can flip any 2 bits. So the total ways are 8C2 = 28. Out of all these ways, only one way will lead us to (00001100)2 = (12)10, so the probability is 1/28. Then he asked me a DSA question from bit manipulation, which was as follows: Given a bitstream, reverse the bitstream. e.g. Let’s say the given bitstream is 1011. So the reverse of this bitstream will be 1101. The solution is as follows: (You can try it on your own here) I could tell him the approach easily and explained my code by running through 1-2 testcases....

Round 3 – Technical Interview (~1 hour)


Round 4 – HR Interview (10 mins)

This round again started with an introduction. This time the interviewer also introduced himself to me. He ensured that I was settled properly and in a calm state. (Since I had interviews with other companies going on in parallel, I had to run to come to this interview). Then he asked me about my favourite subjects. I mentioned Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Structures & Algorithms. Then he asked me about what new thing I recently learnt from the subjects I mentioned. (I did not expect such a question, though after patiently thinking about it for a couple of minutes, I answered him). Then he gave me a C program which was based on pointers (see how important pointer is in life, be it the pointer required (CGPA) for being eligible to sit for a company or be it from C language needed to crack interviews ????). So the question was very simple and as follows: (Answer: 28 17 28 17 28) I gave him the correct answer by explaining what code does line by line & drawing diagrams...