Similarities between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE

Some similarities between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE are:

  • Gel Matrix: Both SDS-PAGE and Native PAGE use polyacrylamide gels for protein separation.
  • Principle: Both techniques rely on electrophoresis, where proteins migrate through the gel matrix in response to an electric field.
  • Electric Field: In both methods, an electric field is applied to drive the migration of charged proteins.
  • Separation Basis: Both aim to separate proteins based on size, with smaller proteins moving faster through the gel.
  • Buffer Usage: Both techniques use electrophoresis buffers to provide the necessary ionic environment for protein migration.
  • Staining: After electrophoresis, proteins in both gels are visualized by staining for analysis.
  • Molecular Biology Applications: Both are widely employed in molecular biology for protein analysis, purification, and molecular weight determination.
  • Sample Loading: Proteins are loaded into wells at the top of the gel in both SDS-PAGE and Native PAGE.
  • Migration Direction: Proteins migrate from the negative to the positive electrode during electrophoresis in both techniques.
  • Equipment: The basic setup, including gel electrophoresis apparatus and power supply, is similar for both methods

Differences between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE

The difference between SDS-PAGE and native PAGE lies in how proteins are separated in the polyacrylamide gel. In SDS-PAGE, the migration rate of the protein is determined by its molecular weight only, whereas in native PAGE, the migration rate depends on both the size and overall charge of the protein. In this article, we will study the process of SDS PAGE and Native PAGE as well as the similarities and differences between SDS-PAGE and native PAGE.

Table of Content

  • Differences Between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE
  • What is SDS PAGE?
  • What is Native PAGE?
  • Similarities between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE
  • Conclusion – Differences Between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE
  • FAQs on SDS PAGE and Native PAGE

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Conclusion – Differences Between SDS PAGE and Native PAGE

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FAQs on SDS PAGE and Native PAGE

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